I’DOL, s. an image worshipped as God;
one loved or honoured to
IGNO’BLE, a. mean of birth; worthless
IGUA’NA, s. a reptile of the lizard species
ILLE’GAL, a. unlawful
ILLUMINA’TION, s. brightness; splendour
ILLU’MINATIVE, a. having the power to give light
ILLU’SION, s. mockery; false show
ILLU’STRATE, v.a. brighten with light;
brighten with honour; explain;
ILLUSTRA’TION, s. explanation; example; exposition
ILLU’STRIOUS, a. conspicuous; noble; eminent
I’MAGE, s. a statue; a picture; an idol; a copy
IMA’GINARY, a. fanciful; poetical
IMAGINATION, s. fancy; conception; contrivance; scheme
I’MITATE, v.a. copy; counterfeit; resemble
IMMATE’RIAL, a. incorporeal; unimportant
IMMEA’SURABLE, a. immense; not to be measured
IMME’DIATELY, ad. without the intervention of any other cause or event
IMME’NSE, a. unlimited; unbounded; infinite
I’MMINENT, a. unavoidable; perilous
IMMO’RTALISE, v.a. to render immortal
IMMORTA’LITY, s. exemption from death; life never to end
IMPA’RT, v.a. grant; give; communicate
IMPA’RTIAL, a. indifferent; disinterested; just
IMPA’SSABLE, a. not to be passed; not admitting passage
IMPA’SSIBLE, a. incapable of suffering
IMPA’TIENT, a. not able to endure; hasty; eager
IMPERCE’PTIBLE, a. not to be discovered; not to be perceived; small
IMPERFE’CTION, s. defect; failure; fault
IMPE’RIAL, a. belonging to an emperor,
king, or queen; regal;
IMPE’RIOUS, a. commanding; powerful
IMPE’TUOUS, a. violent; forcible; vehement
IMPLA’CABILITY, s. irreconcileable enmity
IMPLI’CITLY, ad. with unreserved confidence
IMPO’RT, v.a. carry into any country from abroad
IMPO’RTANCE, s. thing imported, or implied; consequence; matter
IMPO’RTANT, a. momentous; weighty; of great consequence; forcible
IMPO’SE, v.a. lay on as a burden or penalty; deceive; fix on
IMPO’SSIBLE, a. that which cannot be; that which cannot be done
IMPRE’GNABLE, a. invincible; unsubdueable
IMPRE’SSION, s. the act of pressing one
body upon another; mark made
by pressure; image fixed in
the mind
IMPULSE, s. communicated love; the effect of one body upon another
IMPU’NITY, s. freedom from punishment; exemption from punishment
INABI’LITY, s. want of power; impotence