FRE’QUENT, a. often done; often seen; often occurring
FRE’SCO, s. coolness; shade; duskiness;
a picture not drawn in glaring
light, but in dusk
FRI’CTION, s. the act of rubbing two bodies together
FRI’VOLOUS, a. trifling; wasteful; dawdling
FRO’NTIER, s. the limit; the utmost verge of any territory
FU’RNACE, s. a large fire
FU’RNISH, v.a. supply with what is necessary; fit up; equip; decorate
GA’BLE, s. the sloping roof of a building
GA’LAXY, s. the Milky Way
GA’LLANT, a. brave; daring; noble
G’ALLEY, a. a vessel used in the Mediterranean
GA’RDEN, s. piece of ground enclosed and cultivated
GA’RMENT, s. anything by which the body is covered
GA’RRISON, s. fortified place, stored with soldiers
GAUGE, s. a measure; a standard
GENEA’LOGY, s. history of the succession of families
GE’NERAL, a. common; usual; extensive, though not universal; public
GENERA’TION, s. a family; a race; an age
GE’NEROUS, a. noble of mind; magnanimous; open of heart
GE’NIAL, a. that gives cheerfulness, or supports life; natural; native
GE’NTLE, a. soft; mild; tame; meek; peaceable
GEOGRA’PHICAL, a. that which relates to geography
GEO’GRAPHY, s. knowledge of the earth
GE’STURE, s. action or posture expressive of sentiment
GI’ANT, s. a man of size above the ordinary
rate of men; a man
unnaturally large
GIGA’NTIC, a. suitable to a giant; enormous
GLA’CIER, s. a mountain of ice
GLA’NDULAR, a. having glands
GLI’STER, v.n. shine; to be bright
GLO’BULE, s. a small particle of matter
of a round figure, as the red
particles of the blood
GLO’RIOUS, a. noble; excellent; illustrious
GLO’SSY, a. shiny; smoothly polished
GO’RGEOUS, a. fine; magnificent; gaudy; showy
GO’SLING, s. a young goose; a catkin on nut-trees and pines
GO’SSAMER, s. the web of a male spider
GOUT, s. a disease attended with great pain
GO’VERNOR, s. one who has the supreme direction; a tutor
GRADA’TION, s. regular progress from
one degree to another; order;
GRA’DUALLY, ad. by degrees; step by step
GRA’NDEUR, s. splendour of appearance; magnificence
GRANGE, s. a farm
GRATIFICA’TION, s. pleasure; something gratifying
GRA’TITUDE, s. duty to benefactors; desire to return benefits