EXTE’ND, v.a. stretch out; diffuse; impart
EXTE’NSIVE, a. large; wide; comprehensive
EXTE’RIOR, a. outward; external
EXTE’RNAL, a. outward
EXTI’NGUISH, v.a. put out; destroy; obscure
EXTI’RPATE, v.a. root out; eradicate
E’XTRACT, s. the chief parts drawn from anything
EXTRAO’RDINARY, a. different from common
order and method; eminent;
EXTRA’VAGANT, a. wasteful; not saving; otherwise, improbable, false
EXTRE’MELY, ad. greatly; very much; in the utmost degree
EXTRE’MITY, s. the utmost point; highest
degree; parts at the greatest
FACI’LITY, s. ease; dexterity; affability
FA’CTORY, s. a house or district inhabited
by traders in a distant
country; traders embodied
in one place
FA’CULTY, s. the power of doing anything; ability
FAMI’LIAR, a. domestic; free; well known; common; unceremonious
FAMI’LIARITY, s. easiness of conversation; acquaintance
FA’MILY, s. those who live in the same house; household; race; clans
FA’MOUS, a. renowned; celebrated
FANA’TICISM, s. madness; frenzy; insanity
FANTA’STIC, a. whimsical; fanciful; imaginary
FA’RTHER, ad. at a greater distance; beyond this
FA’SHION, v.a. form; mould; figure; make
according to the rule
prescribed by custom
FA’TAL, a. deadly; mortal; appointed by destiny
FATI’GUE, s. weariness
FATI’GUE, v.a. tire; weary
FAUN, s. a kind of rural deity
FA’VOURITE, s. a person or thing beloved; one regarded with favour
FE’ATHER, s. plume of birds
FE’ATURE, s. the cast or make of the
face; any lineament or single
part of the face
FE’ELING, s. the sense of touch; sensibility; tenderness; perception
FERMENTA’TION, s. a slow motion of the
particles of a mixed body,
arising usually from the operation
of some active acid matter; as
when leaven or yeast ferments
bread or wort
FERO’CITY, s. savageness; wildness; fierceness
FE’RTILE, a. fruitful; abundant; plenteous
FERTI’LITY, s. abundance; fruitfulness
FE’STAL, a. festive; joyous; gay
FE’STIVAL, a. time of feast; anniversary-day of civil or religious joy
FESTO’ON, s. In architecture, an ornament
of carved work in the form
of a wreath or garland of
flowers or leaves twisted together
FEU’DAL, a. dependant; held by tenure
FI’BRE, s. a small thread or string