ETE’RNALLY, ad. incessantly; for evermore
ETE’RNITY, s. duration without beginning or end
ETHE’REAL, a. belonging to the higher regions
EVA’PORATE, v.a. to drive away in fumes
E’VENING, s. the close of the day; beginning of night
EVE’NTUALLY, ad. in the event; in the last result
E’VIDENT, a. plain; notorious
EXA’CT, a. nice; not deviating from rule; careful
EXA’MINE, v.a. search into; make inquiry into
EXA’MPLE, s. copy or pattern
E’XCAVATE, v.a. hollow; cut into hollows
EXCE’L, v.a. to outgo in good qualities; to surpass
E’XCELLENCE, s. the state of abounding
in any good quality; dignity;
E’XCELLENT, a. eminent in any good quality; of great value
EXCE’PT, prep. exclusively of; unless
EXCE’SSIVE, a. beyond the common proportion
EXCI’TE, v.a. rouse; animate
EXCLU’DE, v.a. shut out; debar
EXCLU’SIVE, a. having the power of excluding or denying admission
EXCRU’CIATE, v.a. torture; torment
EXCU’RSION, s. an expedition into some distant part
EXCU’RSIVE, a. rambling; deviating
EXECU’TION, s. performance; practice; slaughter
EXE’MPLARY, a. such as may give warning
to others; such as may attract
notice and imitation
E’XERCISE, s. labour of the mind or body
EXE’RTION, s. the act of exerting; effort
EXHI’BIT, v.a. to offer to view; show; display
EXHIBI’TION, s. the act of exhibiting; display
EXHI’LARATE, v.a. make cheerful; cheer; enliven
EXI’STENCE, s. state of being
EXPA’ND, v.a. to spread; to extend on all sides
EXPA’NSE, s. a body widely extended without inequalities
EXPE’DIENT, s. that which helps forward as means to an end
EXPEDI’TION, s. an excursion
EXPE’L, v.a. drive away; banish; eject
EXPE’RIENCE, s. knowledge gained by practice
EXPE’RIENCED, a. wise by long practice
EXPE’RIMENT, s. a trial of anything
EXPI’RE, v.a. breathe out; close; bring to an end
EXPLO’SION, s. an outburst; a sudden crash
EXPO’RT, v.a. carry out of a country
EXPO’SE, v.a. lay open; make bare; put in danger
EXPRE’SSION, s. the form of language
in which any thoughts are
uttered; the act of squeezing
out anything
E’XQUISITE, a. excellent; consummate; complete
EXTE’MPORE, ad. without premeditation; suddenly