ENDU’RANCE, s. continuance; lastingness; delay
E’NEMY, s. foe; antagonist; any one who
regards another with
ENERGE’TIC, a. operative; active; vigorous
E’NERGY, s. activity; quickness; vigour
ENGA’GE, v.a. employ; stake; unite; enlist; induce; fight
ENGINE’ER, s. one who manages engines;
one who directs the artillery
of an army
ENGRA’VER, s. a cutter in wood or other matter
ENGRA’VING, s. the work of an engraver
ENGRO’SS, v.a. thicken; increase in bulk;
fatten; to copy in a large
ENJO’Y, v.a. feel or perceive with pleasure; please; delight
ENLA’RGEMENT, s. increase; copious discourse
ENNO’BLE, v.a. to dignify; to exalt; to make famous
ENO’RMOUS, a. wicked beyond the common
measure; exceeding in bulk the
common measure
ENQUI’RY, s. interrogation; examination; search
ENRA’GE, v.a. irritate; make furious
ENSNA’RE, v.a. entrap; entangle in difficulties or perplexities
E’NTERPRISE, s. an undertaking of hazard; an arduous attempt
E’NTERPRISING, a. fond of enterprise
ENTHU’SIASM, s. a vain belief of private
revelation; beat of
imagination; elevation of
E’NTRAILS, s. the intestines; internal parts
ENU’MERATE, v.a. reckon up singly; number
ENVE’LOPEMENT, s. covering; inwrapment
E’PIC, a. narrative
EPI’STLE, s. a letter
EPI’STOLARY, a. transacted by letters; relating to letters
E’QUAL, a. even; uniform; in just proportion
EQUITY, s. justice; impartiality
ERE’CT, a. upright; bold; confident
ERE’CT, v.a. raise; build; elevate; settle
E’RMINE, s. an animal found in cold countries,
of which the fur is
valuable, and used for the
adornment of the person. A fur worn by
judges in England
ERRO’NEOUS, a. wrong; unfounded; false; misled by error
ERU’PTION, s. the act of bursting out;
sudden excursion of a hostile
ESCO’RT, v.a. convoy; guard from place to place
ESPE’CIAL, a. principal; chief
ESPE’CIALLY, ad. principally; chiefly; in an uncommon degree
ESPLANA’DE, s. the empty space between
a citadel and the outskirts of
a town
ESSE’NTIAL, a. necessary to the constitution
or existence of anything;
important in the highest degree
ESTA’BLISHMENT, s. settlement; fixed state
ESTRA’NGE, v.a. keep at a distance; withdraw
ETE’RNAL, a. without beginning or end; perpetual; unchanging