The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

DISSO’LVE, v.n. be melted; fall to nothing

DISTANCE, s. remoteness in place; retraction of kindness; reserve

DISTE’MPER, s. disease; malady; bad constitution of the mind

DISTI’NCTION, s. the act of discerning one as preferable to the other;
    note of difference; honourable note of superiority; discernment

DISTINCTLY, ad. not confusedly; plainly; clearly

DISTRE’SS, s. calamity; misery; misfortune

DISTRI’BUTE, v.a. to deal out; to dispensate

DI’STRICT, s. region; country; territory

DIVE’RGE, v.n. send various ways from one point

DIVE’RSIFY, v.a. make different from another

DIVE’RSION, s. the act of turning anything off from its course

DIVE’RSITY, s. difference; dissimilitude; unlikeness; variety

DIVI’DE, v.a. part one whole in different pieces; separate; deal out

DI’VIDEND, s. a share

DO’CILE, a. teachable; easily instructed; tractable

DOMA’IN, s. dominion; possession; estate; empire

DOME’STIC, a. belonging to the house; private

DOME’STICATE, v.a. make domestic; withdraw from the public

DOMI’NION, s. sovereign authority; power; territory

DO’RSAL, a. pertaining to the back

DO’UBLE, a. two of a sort; in pairs; twice as much

DRAMA’TIC, a. representable by action

DRA’MATIST, s. author of dramatic compositions

DRAW’INGROOM, s. a room to which company withdraw—­originally

DRE’ADFUL, a. terrible; frightful

DRE’ARINESS, s. gloominess; sorrowfulness

DRE’ARY, a. sorrowful; gloomy; dismal; horrid

DU’CAT, s. a coin struck by Dukes; in silver valued at about four
    shillings and sixpence, in gold at nine shillings and sixpence

DURA’TION, s. power of continuance; length of continuance

DU’RING, prep. for the time of the continuance

EA’RLY, ad. soon; betimes

EA’RTHQUAKE, s. tremour or convulsion of the earth

EA’STERN, a. belonging to the east; lying to the east; oriental

EA’SY, a. not difficult; ready; contented; at rest

ECLI’PSE, s. an obscuration of the heavenly luminaries; darkness;

ECO’NOMY, s. frugality; discretion of expense; system of matter

E’DIFICE, s. a fabric; a building

EDI’TION, s. publication of anything, particularly of a book

EDUCA’TION, s. formation of manners in youth

EFFE’CT, s. that which is produced by an operating cause; success;
    purpose; meaning; consequence

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.