DISSO’LVE, v.n. be melted; fall to nothing
DISTANCE, s. remoteness in place; retraction of kindness; reserve
DISTE’MPER, s. disease; malady; bad constitution of the mind
DISTI’NCTION, s. the act of discerning
one as preferable to the other;
note of difference; honourable
note of superiority; discernment
DISTINCTLY, ad. not confusedly; plainly; clearly
DISTRE’SS, s. calamity; misery; misfortune
DISTRI’BUTE, v.a. to deal out; to dispensate
DI’STRICT, s. region; country; territory
DIVE’RGE, v.n. send various ways from one point
DIVE’RSIFY, v.a. make different from another
DIVE’RSION, s. the act of turning anything off from its course
DIVE’RSITY, s. difference; dissimilitude; unlikeness; variety
DIVI’DE, v.a. part one whole in different pieces; separate; deal out
DI’VIDEND, s. a share
DO’CILE, a. teachable; easily instructed; tractable
DOMA’IN, s. dominion; possession; estate; empire
DOME’STIC, a. belonging to the house; private
DOME’STICATE, v.a. make domestic; withdraw from the public
DOMI’NION, s. sovereign authority; power; territory
DO’RSAL, a. pertaining to the back
DO’UBLE, a. two of a sort; in pairs; twice as much
DRAMA’TIC, a. representable by action
DRA’MATIST, s. author of dramatic compositions
DRAW’INGROOM, s. a room to which company
DRE’ADFUL, a. terrible; frightful
DRE’ARINESS, s. gloominess; sorrowfulness
DRE’ARY, a. sorrowful; gloomy; dismal; horrid
DU’CAT, s. a coin struck by Dukes; in
silver valued at about four
shillings and sixpence, in
gold at nine shillings and sixpence
DURA’TION, s. power of continuance; length of continuance
DU’RING, prep. for the time of the continuance
EA’RLY, ad. soon; betimes
EA’RTHQUAKE, s. tremour or convulsion of the earth
EA’STERN, a. belonging to the east; lying to the east; oriental
EA’SY, a. not difficult; ready; contented; at rest
ECLI’PSE, s. an obscuration of the heavenly
luminaries; darkness;
ECO’NOMY, s. frugality; discretion of expense; system of matter
E’DIFICE, s. a fabric; a building
EDI’TION, s. publication of anything, particularly of a book
EDUCA’TION, s. formation of manners in youth
EFFE’CT, s. that which is produced by
an operating cause; success;
purpose; meaning; consequence