DI’AL, s. a plate marked with lines,
where a hand or shadow shows the
DI’ALECT, s. subdivision of a language; style; manner of expression
DI’ALOGUE, s. a discussion between two persons
DIA’METER, s. the straight line which,
passing through the centre of a
circle, divides it into two
equal parts
DI’AMOND, s. the most valuable and hardest
of all the gems; a
DI’FFER, v.n. be distinguished from; contend; be of a contrary opinion
DI’FFERENT, a. distinct; unlike; dissimilar
DIFFICULTY, s. hardness; something hard to
accomplish; distress;
perplexity in affairs
DI’GNITY, s. rank of elevation; grandeur of mien; high place
DILA’TE, v n. widen; grow wide; speak largely
DI’LIGENCE, s. industry; assiduity
DIMI’NISH, v.a. to make less
DIMI’NUTIVE, a. small; narrow; contracted
DIRE’CT, v.a. aim at a straight line;
regulate; order; command;
adjust; mark out a certain
DIRE’CTION, s. tendency of motion impressed
by a certain impulse;
order; command; prescription
DIRE’CTLY, ad. immediately; apparently; in a straight line
DISAGRE’EABLE, a. unpleasing; offensive
DISA’STROUS, a. calamitous
DISCI’PLE, s. a scholar; one that professes
to receive instruction
from another
DISCIPLINE, s. education; the art of cultivating
the mind; a state of
DISCONCE’RT, v.a. unsettle the mind; discompose
DISCOU’RAGE, v.a. depress; deprive of confidence
DISCO’VER, v.a. disclose; bring to light; find out
DISCO’VERY, s. the act of finding anything hidden
DISCRI’MINATION, s. the state of being
distinguished from other
persons or things; the mark
of distinction
DISHO’NOUR, s. reproach; disgrace; ignominy
DISLO’DGE, v.a. to go to another place;
to drive or remove from a
DISMA’NTLE, v.a. strip; deprive of a
dress; strip a town of its
outworks; loose
DISMA’Y, s. fall of courage; desertion of mind
DISOBE’DIENCE, s. the act of disobeying;
inattention to the words of
those who have right to command
DISO’RDER, s. irregularity; tumult; sickness
DISPA’RAGEMENT, s. reproach; disgrace; indignity
DISPLA’Y, v.a. exhibit; talk without restraint
DISPOSI’TION, s. order; method; temper of mind
DISQUI’ETUDE, s. uneasiness
DI’SREGARD, v.a. to slight; to neglect
DI’SSIPATE, v.a. scatter every way; disperse; scatter the attention