The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

DEPO’SIT, v.a. lay up; lay aside

DEPRA’VITY, s. corruption

DE’PREDA’TION, s. a robbing; a spoiling; waste

DEPRI’VE, v.a. bereave one of a thing; hinder; debar from

DE’RVISE, s. a Turkish priest

DESCE’NDANT, s. the offspring of an ancestor

DESCRI’BE, v.a. mark out; define

DESCRI’PTION, s. the sentence or passage in which anything is

DESCRY’, v.a. give notice of anything suddenly discovered; detect;

DE’SERT, s. a wilderness; solitude; waste country

DESE’RVE, v.a. be entitled to reward or punishment

DESI’GN, s. an intention; a purpose; a scheme

DESIGNA’TION, s. appointment; direction; intention to design

DESI’RE, v.a. wish; long for; intreat

DE’SOLATE, a. without inhabitants; solitary; laid waste

DESPA’TCH, s. to send away hastily; to do business quickly; to put to

DE’SPERATE, a. without hope; rash; mad; furious

DE’SPICABLE, a. worthy of scorn; contemptible

DESPI’SE, v.a. scorn; condemn; slight; abhor

DE’SPOTISM, s. absolute power

DESTINA’TION, s. the place where it was our destiny to go; fate; doom

DE’STINE, v.a. doom; devote

DE’STINY, s. doom; fate

DE’STITUTE, a. forsaken; abject; in want of

DESTRO’Y, v.a. lay waste; make desolate; put an end to

DESTRU’CTION, s. the act of destroying; the state of being destroyed;

DETA’CH, v.a. separate; disengage

DETA’CHMENT, s. a body of troops sent out from the main army

DETE’R, v.a. fright from anything

DETERMINA’TION, s. absolute direction to a certain end; the result of
    deliberation; judicial decision

DETE’RMINE, v.a. fix; settle; resolve; decide

DETE’STABLE, a. hateful; abominable; odious

DETRA’CTION, s. the withdrawing or taking off from a thing

DETRU’DE, v.a. thrust down; force into a lower place

DEVASTA’TION, s. waste; havoc; desolation; destruction

DEVE’LOP, v.a. to disentangle; to disengage from something that
    enfolds and conceals

DEVIA’TION, s. the act of quitting the right way; wandering

DEVO’TE, v.a. dedicate; consecrate

DE’VOTEE, s. one erroneously or superstitiously religious; a bigot

DEVO’TION, s. piety; prayer; strong affection; power

DE’XTEROUS, a. subtle; full of expedients; expert; active; ready

DIABO’LICAL, a. devilish

DI’ADEM, s. the mark of Royalty worn on the head

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.