CURIO’SITY, s. inquisitiveness; nice
experiment; an object of
curiosity; rarity
CU’RIOUS, a. inquisitive; desirous of
information; difficult to
please; diligent about; elegant;
neat; artful
CU’RRENT, a. passing from hand to hand;
authoritative; common; what is
now passing
CU’STOM, s. habit; fashion; practice of buying of certain persons
CY’MBAL, s. a kind of musical instrument
CY’PRESS, s. a tall straight tree. It is the emblem of mourning
DALMA’TIA, s. a province of Austria
DALMA’TIAN, a. belonging to Dalmatia
DA’MAGE, s. mischief; hurt; loss
DA’NGER, s. risk; hazard; peril
DA’NGEROUS, a. hazardous; perilous
DA’STARDLY, ad. cowardly; mean; timorous
DA’UNTED, a. discouraged
DECE’PTION, s. the act or means of deceiving;
cheat; fraud; the state
of being deceived
DECLI’NE, v.a. shun; avoid; refuse; bring down
DE’CORATE, v.a. adorn; embellish; beautify
DECORA’TION, s. ornament; added beauty
DE’DICATE, v.a. to inscribe
DEFA’CE, v.a. destroy; raze; ruin; disfigure
DEFE’CTIVE, a. wanting the just quantity;
full of defects; imperfect;
DEFE’NCE, s. guard; protection; resistance
DEFI’CIENCY, s. want; something less than is necessary; imperfection
DEGE’NERACY, s. departure from the virtue of our ancestors
DEGE’NERATE, a. unworthy; base
DE’ITY, s. divinity; the nature and essence
of God; fabulous Rod; the
supposed divinity of a heathen
DE’LICACY, s. daintiness; softness; feminine
beauty; nicety; gentle
treatment; smallness
DE’LICATE, s. fine; soft; pure; clear;
unable to bear hardships;
DELI’CIOUS, a. sweet; delicate; agreeable
DELI’GHT, v.a. please; content; satisfy
DELI’NEATE, v.a. to paint; to represent; to describe
DELI’VER, v.a. set free; release; give; save; surrender
DE’LUGE, v.a. flood
DE’LUGE, v.a. drown; lay totally under water; overwhelm; cause to sink
DEME’ANOUR, s. carriage; behaviour
DEMO’LISH, v.a. raze; destroy; swallow up
DEMONSTRA’TION, s. the highest degree of argumental evidence
DENO’MINATE, v.a. to name anything
DEPA’RTMENT, s. separate allotment; province
or business assigned to a
particular person
DEPO’RTMENT, s. carriage; bearing
DEPO’SIT, s. a pledge; anything given as a security