CO’NSCIOUS, a. endowed with the power
of knowing one’s own thoughts
and actions; bearing witness
by the dictates of conscience to
CONSCRI’PTION, s. an enrolling or registering
CO’NSECRATE, v.a. to make sacred; to canonize
CO’NSEQUENCE, s. that which follows from
any cause or principle;
effect of a cause
CO’NSEQUENT, a. following by rational
deduction; following as the
effect of a cause
CONSI’DERABLE, a. worthy of consideration; important; valuable
CONSI’ST, v.n. subsist; be composed; be comprised
CONSI’STENCE, s. state with respect to
material existence; degree of
denseness or rarity
CONSI’STENCY, s. adhesion; agreement
with itself or with any other
CONSPI’CUOUS, a. obvious to the sight
CO’NSTANT, a. firm; fixed; certain; unvaried
CONSTELLA’TION, s. a cluster of fixed
stars; an assemblage of
CONSTERNA’TION, s. astonishment; amazement; wonder
CO’NSTITUTE, v.a. give formal existence;
produce; erect; appoint
another in an office
CONSTRU’CT, v.a. build; form; compile
CONSTRU’CTION, s. the act of building; structure; form of building
CONSTR’UCTIVE, a. by construction
CONSU’MPTION, s. the act of consuming;
waste; a disease; a waste of
muscular flesh
CO’NTACT, s. touch; close union
CONTA’GIOUS, a. infectious; caught by approach
CONTA’IN, v.a. hold; comprehend; restrain
CONTE’MPLATE, v.a. study; meditate; muse;
think studiously with long
CONTEMPLA’TION, s. meditation; studious thought
CONTE’MPLATIVE, a. given to thought or study
CONTE’MPORARY, s. one who lives at the same time with another
CONTE’MPTIBLE, a. worthy of contempt, of scorn; neglected; despicable
CO’NTEST, s. dispute; difference; debate
CONTE’ST, v.a. to strive; to vie; to contend
CONTI’GUOUS, a. meeting so as to touch
CO’NTINENT, s. land not disjoined by
the sea from other lands; that
which contains anything; one
of the quarters of the globe
CONTI’NGENCY, s. accidental possibility
CONTI’NUE, v.n. remain in the same state; last; persevere
CONTRA’CT, v.a. to shrink up; to grow short; to bargain
CO’NTRARY, a. opposite; contradictory; adverse
CONTRI’VANCE, s. the act of contriving; scheme; plan; plot
CONVE’NIENCE, s. fitness; ease; cause of ease
CONVE’NIENT, a. fit; suitable; proper; well adapted