The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

CO’NSCIOUS, a. endowed with the power of knowing one’s own thoughts
    and actions; bearing witness by the dictates of conscience to

CONSCRI’PTION, s. an enrolling or registering

CO’NSECRATE, v.a. to make sacred; to canonize

CO’NSEQUENCE, s. that which follows from any cause or principle;
    effect of a cause

CO’NSEQUENT, a. following by rational deduction; following as the
    effect of a cause

CONSI’DERABLE, a. worthy of consideration; important; valuable

CONSI’ST, v.n. subsist; be composed; be comprised

CONSI’STENCE, s. state with respect to material existence; degree of
    denseness or rarity

CONSI’STENCY, s. adhesion; agreement with itself or with any other

CONSPI’CUOUS, a. obvious to the sight

CO’NSTANT, a. firm; fixed; certain; unvaried

CONSTELLA’TION, s. a cluster of fixed stars; an assemblage of

CONSTERNA’TION, s. astonishment; amazement; wonder

CO’NSTITUTE, v.a. give formal existence; produce; erect; appoint
    another in an office

CONSTRU’CT, v.a. build; form; compile

CONSTRU’CTION, s. the act of building; structure; form of building

CONSTR’UCTIVE, a. by construction

CONSU’MPTION, s. the act of consuming; waste; a disease; a waste of
    muscular flesh

CO’NTACT, s. touch; close union

CONTA’GIOUS, a. infectious; caught by approach

CONTA’IN, v.a. hold; comprehend; restrain

CONTE’MPLATE, v.a. study; meditate; muse; think studiously with long

CONTEMPLA’TION, s. meditation; studious thought

CONTE’MPLATIVE, a. given to thought or study

CONTE’MPORARY, s. one who lives at the same time with another

CONTE’MPTIBLE, a. worthy of contempt, of scorn; neglected; despicable

CO’NTEST, s. dispute; difference; debate

CONTE’ST, v.a. to strive; to vie; to contend

CONTI’GUOUS, a. meeting so as to touch

CO’NTINENT, s. land not disjoined by the sea from other lands; that
    which contains anything; one of the quarters of the globe

CONTI’NGENCY, s. accidental possibility

CONTI’NUE, v.n. remain in the same state; last; persevere

CONTRA’CT, v.a. to shrink up; to grow short; to bargain

CO’NTRARY, a. opposite; contradictory; adverse

CONTRI’VANCE, s. the act of contriving; scheme; plan; plot

CONVE’NIENCE, s. fitness; ease; cause of ease

CONVE’NIENT, a. fit; suitable; proper; well adapted

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.