COMPE’TE, v.a. to vie; to contend; to strive; to endeavour to outstrip
COMPLA’INT, s. representation of pains
or injuries; malady;
remonstrance against
COMPLAI’SANCE, s. civility; desire of pleasing
COMPLE’TION, s. accomplishment; act of fulfilling
COMPLI’ANCE, s. the act of yielding to any design or demand
CO’MPLICATE, v.a. to render difficult
and incomprehendable; to join
one with another
COMPOSI’TION, s. a mass formed by mingling
different ingredients;
written work
COMPREHE’ND, v.a. comprise; include; conceive; understand
CONCE’AL, v.a. hide; keep secret; cover
CONCE’IT, s. vain pride
CONCE’NTRIC, a. having one common centre
CONCE’PTION, s. the act of conceiving;
state of being conceived;
notion; sentiment
CONCE’SSION, s. the act of granting or yielding
CONCI’LIATE, v.a. to gain; to win; to reconcile
CONCI’SE, a. short; brief; not longer than is really needful
CONCO’CT, v.a. to devise
CO’NCORD, s. agreement between persons
or things; peace; union; a
CONCU’SSION, s. the state of being shaken
CONDE’NSE, v.n. to grow close and weighty
CONDI’TION, s. rank; property; state
CO’NDOR, s. a monstrous bird in America
CONDU’CT, v.a. lend; accompany; manage
CONE, s. a solid body, of which the base is
circular, but which ends
in a point
CONFE’R, v.a. compare; give; bestow; contribute; conduce
CO’NFERENCE, s. formal discourse; an
appointed meeting for discussing
some point by personal debate
CONFE’SS, v.a. acknowledge a crime; own; avow; grant
CONFI’NEMENT, s. imprisonment; restraint of liberty
CO’NFLUENCE, s. the joining together
of rivers; a concourse; the act
of joining together
CONFORMA’TION, s. the form of things
as relating to each other; the
act of producing suitableness
or conformity to anything
CONFO’RMITY, s. similitude; consistency
CONGE’NER, s. a thing of the same kind or nature
CONGE’NIAL, a. partaking of the same genius
CONGLO’MERATE, v.a. to gather into a ball, like a ball of thread
CO’NICAL, a. in the shape of a cone
CONJE’CTURE, s. guess; imperfect knowledge; idea
CONNEC’TION, s. union
CO’NQUER, v.a. gain by conquest; win; subdue
CO’NQUEROR, s. a victor; one that conquers
CO’NQUEST, s. a victory
CO’NSCIENCE, s. the faculty by which
we judge of the goodness or
wickedness of ourselves