The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

CI’RCUMSTANCE, s. something relative to a fact; incident; event

CI’STERN, s. a receptacle of water for domestic uses; reservoir

CI’STUS, s. rock-rose

CI’TADEL, s. a fortress; a place of defence

CI’TIZEN, s. a freeman of a city; townsman

CI’TY, s. a corporate town that hath a bishop

CI’VIL, a. political; not foreign; gentle; well bred; polite

CIVI’LITY, s. politeness; complaisance

CI’VILIZA’TION, s. civilising manners

CI’VILIZE, v.a. reclaim from savageness and brutality

CLA’MOUR, s. noise; tumult; disturbance

CLA’RION, s. a trumpet

CLI’MATE, s. a region, or tract of land, differing from another by the
    temperature of the air

CLU’STER, s. a bunch

CO’GNIZANCE, s. trial; a badge by which one is known

COLLE’CT, v.a. gather together; bring into one place; gain from

COLLO’QUIAL, a. that relates to common conversation

COLO’NIAL, a. that which relates to a colony

CO’LONIST, s. one that colonises; one that dwells in a colony

COLO’SSAL, a. of enormous magnitude; large

CO’LOUR, s. the appearance of bodies to the eye only; hue; appearance

CO’LUMN, s. a round pillar; a long file or row of troops; half a page,
    when divided into two equal parts by a line passing down the middle

COLU’MNAR, a. formed in columns

COMBINA’TION, s. a union; a joining together

CO’MFORTABLE, a. admitting comfort; dispensing comfort

COMMA’NDER, s. a general; chief; leader

COMMEMORA’TION, s. an act of public celebration

COMME’NCE, v.a. to begin

CO’MMERCE, s. intercourse; exchange of one thing for another; trade

COMME’RCIAL, a. that which relates to commerce

CO’MMINUTE, v.a. to grind; to pulverise

COMMO’DITY, s. wares; merchandise

COMMONWE’ALTH, s. a polity; an established form of civilized life;
    public; republic

COMMU’NICATE, v.a. impart knowledge; reveal

COMMU’NITY, s. the commonwealth; the body politic; common possession

COMPA’NION, s. a partner; an associate

CO’MPANY, s. persons assembled together; a band; a subdivision of a
    regiment of foot

CO’MPARABLE, a. capable of being compared; of equal regard

COMPA’RE, v.n. make one thing the measure of another; find a likeness
    of one thing with another

COMPA’RISON, s. the act of comparing; state of being compared;
    comparative estimate

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.