The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

BU’BBLE, s. a small bladder of water; anything which wants solidity
    and firmness

BU’LKY, a. of great size or stature

BU’LWARK, s. a fortification; a security

BUO’YANCY, s. the quality of floating

BU’RDENSOME, a. grievous

BU’RIAL, s. interment; the act of putting anything under earth or

BU’RY, v.a. inter; put in the grave; conceal

BU’TTRESS, s. a prop; a wall built to support another

CA’DENCE, s. the fall of the voice; state of sinking, decline

CALA’MITY, s. misfortune; cause of misery; distress

CA’LCULATE, v.a. reckon; adjust

CAL’CULA’TION, s. a practice or manner of reckoning; a reckoning

CA’LEDO’NIANS, s. the ancient inhabitants of Scotland

CAMPA’IGN, s. a large, open, level tract of land; the time for which
    any army keeps the field

CA’NADA, s. a province of the British possessions in America

CANA’L, s. any course of water made by art; a passage through which
    any of the juices of the body flow

CANA’RY, s. an excellent singing-bird—­so called from its native
    place, the Canary Islands

CA’NNIBAL, s. a savage that eats his fellow-men taken in war

CA’PABLE, a. susceptible; intelligent; qualified for; able to receive;
    capacious; able to understand

CAPA’CIOUS, a. wide; large

CAPA’CITY, s. power; ability; state; condition; character

CAPERCA’ILZIE, s. (pronounced cap-per-kail-zeh) cock of the wood

CA’PITAL, s. the upper part of a pillar; the chief city of a nation or

CA’PITAL, a. applied to letters—­large, such as are written at the
    beginning or heads of books

CA’PTAIN, s. a chief commander

CA’PTIVE, s. a prisoner

CAPTI’VITY, s. imprisonment; subjection by the fate of war; bondage;
    slavery; servitude

CA’PTURE, v.a. take prisoner; bring into a condition of servitude

CA’RAVAN, s. a conveyance; a troop or body of merchants or pilgrims,
    as they travel in the East

CARE’ER, s. a course; full speed; course of action

CA’RGO, s. the lading of a ship

CARNI’VOROUS, a. flesh-eating

CA’ROB, s. a plant bearing a nutritious fruit so called

CA’RRIAGE, s. the act of carrying or transporting; vehicle; conduct

CA’RRION, s. the carcase of something not proper for food

CA’RRONA’DE, s. a short iron cannon

CA’RRY, v.a. convey from a place; transport; bring forward; bear

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.