BA’NISH, v.a. condemn to leave one’s country; drive away
BA’NISHMENT, s. the act of banishing
another; the state of being
BARBA’RIAN, s. a savage; a man uncivilized
BA’RBAROUS, a. savage; ignorant; cruel
BA’RREN, a. unfruitful; sterile; scanty
BARRIC’ADE, v.a. stop up a passage; hinder by stoppage
BASA’LT, s. a variety of trap rock
BASA’LTIC, a. relating to basalt
BASTI’LE, s. (pronounced basteel)
a jail; formerly the state prison
of France
BA’TTER, v.a. beat; shatter; beat down
BA’TTLE, s. a fight; an encounter between opposite enemies
BEA’CON, s. something raised on an eminence to direct
BEA’RABLE, a. that which is capable of being borne
BEAU’TY, s. a particular grace or feature; a beautiful person
BECO’ME, v.a. befit; be suitable to the person
BEDE’CK, v.a. to deck; to adorn; to grace
BE’DSTEAD, s. the frame on which the bed is placed
BEHI’ND, ad. out of sight; not yet in view; remaining
BEHO’VE, v.n. to be fit
BELI’EVE, v.n. to have a firm persuasion of anything
BENEFA’CTOR, s. one that does good
BE’NEFIT, s. a kindness; a favour conferred; an advantage
BENE’VOLENT, a. kind; having good-will
BENI’GHT, v.a. involve in darkness; surprise
with the coming on of
BENI’GNANT, a. kind; generous; liberal
BE’NISON, s. a blessing
BENU’MB, v.a. make torpid; stupify
BESIE’GE, v.a. to beleaguer; to lay siege to
BESPRE’NT, v. def. besprinkled
BESTO’W, v.a. give; confer upon; lay up
BETWE’EN, prep. in the middle space;
from one to another; noting
difference of one from another
BI’LBERRY, s. the fruit of a plant so called
BO’ATMAN, s. he that manages a boat
BO’DY, s. material substance of an animal;
matter; person; collective
mass; main part; main army
BO’RDER, s. edge; edge of a country;
a bank raised round a garden and
set with flowers
BO’UNTEOUS, a. liberal; kind; generous
BOUQUE’T, s. (pronounced boo-kay) a nosegay
BOWSPRI’T, s. (a sea term) the mast that runs out at the bow of a ship
BRA’CELET, s. an ornament for the arms
BRA’CH, s. a she hound
BRA’CKISH, a. salt; somewhat salt
BRI’LLIANCY, s. brightness; lustre
BRI’LLIANT, s. a diamond of the finest cut
BRI’LLIANT, a. shining; sparkling; full of lustre