ASSISTANT, s. a helper
ASSI’ZE, s. a jury; any court of justice; the ordinance or statute
ASSO’CIATE, s. a partner; a confederate; a companion
ASSU’RE, v.a. give confidence by a firm promise
ASTO’NISHMENT, s. amazement
ASTRO’NOMY, s. the science of the motions, distances, &c. of the stars
A’THEISM, s. the disbelief of a god
ATHE’NIAN, s. a native of Athens
A’TMOSPHERE, s. the air that encompasses the solid earth on all sides
ATRO’CIOUS, a. wicked in a high degree; enormous
ATTA’CH, v.a. arrest; fix one’s interest; win; lay hold on
ATTA’CK, v.a. to make an assault
ATTA’IN, v.a. gain; procure; reach
ATTAINMENT, s. an acquisition; an accomplishment
ATTE’MPT, v.a. venture upon; try; endeavour
ATTE’NDANT, s. one that attends; one that is present at anything
ATTENTION, s. the act of attending; the act
of bending the mind upon
ATTE’NTIVE, a. regardful; full of attention
ATTI’RE, s. clothing; dress; equipment
A’TTITUDE, s. position; expression
ATTRA’CT, v.a. draw to something; allure; invite
ATTRA’CTIVE, a. having the power to draw anything; inviting
ATTRIBUTE, v.a. to ascribe; to yield as due; to impute as a cause
AU’DITOR, s. a hearer
a. electrical light streaming in the night from
the north; the northern lights
or streamers
AUSTE’RITY, s. severity; cruelty
AUTHENTIC, a. genuine
AU’THOR, s. the first beginner or mover
of anything; a writer in
AUTHO’RITY, s. power; rule; influence; support; legal power
AU’TUMN, s. the season of the year between summer and winter
AVAILABLE, a. profitable; powerful; advantageous
AVALA’NCHE, s. immense mass of snow or ice
A’VERAGE, s. a middle proportion
AVI’DITY, s. eagerness; voracity; greediness
AVO’ID, v.a. shun; shift off; quit
AWA’KE, v.a. rouse out of sleep; put into new action
AW’KWARD, a. clumsy; inelegant; unready
A’ZURE, s. blue; faint blue
BA’CCHANALS, s. the drunken feasts of Bacchus; fabulous personages who assisted at the festivals of Bacchus
BALCO’NY, s. a frame before the window of a room
BALLO’ON, s. a large hollow ball of silk,
filled with gas, which makes
it rise in the air
BA’NDIT, s. a man outlawed