APPORTIONMENT, s. dividing into portions
APPRECIATE, v.a. set a price on anything; esteem
APPRO’ACH, v n. draw near; somewhat resemble
APPROBATION, s. the act of approving, or expressing
himself pleased,
or satisfied; support
APPRO’PRIATENESS, s. a fitness to be appropriated
APPROPRIATION, s. the application of something to a certain purpose
AQUA’TIC, a. that inhabits the water; that grows in the water
A’QUEDUCT, s. a conveyance, tunnel, or way made for carrying water
ARA’TOO, s. a bird of the parrot kind
AR’BALIST, s. a naturalist who make trees his study
A’RBITRABY, o. despotic; absolute; depending on no rule
ARBU’TUS, s. a strawberry tree
ARCA’DE, s. a continued arch; a walk arched over
ARCHBI’SHOP, s. a bishop of the first
class, who superintends the
conduct of other bishops
ARCHITE’CTURE, s. the art or science of building
A’RCTIC, a. northern; lying under the Arctos or Bear
A’RDUOUS, a. lofty; difficult
ARI’SE, v.n. mount upward; get up; proceed
ARMI’LLA, s. a bracelet, or jewel worn on the arm
A’RMY, s. collection of armed men; a great number
AROMA’TIC, a. spicy; fragrant; strong-scented
ARRI’VE, v.n. reach any place; happen
ARRA’NGE, v.a. put in the proper order for any purpose
ARRA’NGEMENT, s. the act of putting In
proper order, the state of
being put in order
ARRA’Y, s. order, chiefly of war; dress
A’RROGANCE, s. the act or quality of taking much upon one’s self
A’RROW, s. the pointed weapon which is shot from a bow
A’RTICLE, s. a part of speech; a single clause of an account; term
ARTI’CULATE, v.a. form words; speak as
a man; draw up in articles;
make terms
A’RTIFICE, s. trick; fraud; stratagem; art; trade
ARTIFI’CIAL, a. made by art; not natural
ARTI’LLERY, s. weapons of war; cannon; great ordinance
A’RTISAN, s. professor of any art
ASCE’NDANCY, s. influence; power
ASPE’RSE, v.a. bespatter with censure or calumny
A’SPIC, s. the name of a small serpent
ASSA’ILANT, s. one that assails
ASSE’MBLY, s. a company met together
ASSE’RT, v.a. to declare positively;
maintain; to defend either by
words or actions; claim
ASSIDU’ITY, s. diligence
ASSI’MILATE, v.a. bring to a likeness;
turn to its own nature by