The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

AMPHITHE’ATRE, s. a building in a circular or oval form, having its
    area encompassed with rows of seats one above another

AMPU’LLA, s. (pronounced am-poo-la) a vessel of pure gold, used for
    containing the holy oil at coronations

AMU’SE, v.a. entertain with tranquillity; draw on from time to time

ANA’LOGY, s. resemblance between things with regard to some
    circumstances or effects

ANATO’MICAL, a. relating or belonging to anatomy

ANA’TOMY, s. the art of dissecting the body; the doctrine of the
    structure of the body

A’NCESTOR, s. one from whom a person descends

A’NCIENT, a. old; past; former

A’NECDOTE, s. something yet unpublished; biographical history;
    personal history

ANEMO’METER, s. an instrument to measure the force of the wind

ANGE’LIC, a. resembling angels; belonging to angels

A’NIMAL, s. a living creature

ANIMA’LCULE, s. a small animal, generally applied to those which
    cannot be seen without a microscope

ANIMO’SITY, s. vehemence of hatred; passionate malignity

ANNIHILATE, v.a. reduce to nothing; destroy

ANNO’Y, v.a. incommode; vex; tease; molest

A’NNUAL, a. that comes yearly

A’NTELOPE, s. a goat with curled or wreathed horns

ANTHROPO’PHAGI, s. man-eaters; cannibals

ANTI’CIPATE, v.a. take an impression of something which is not yet as
    if it really was

A’NTIQUARY, s. a man studious of antiquity

ANTI’QUE, a. ancient; old; odd; of old fashion

ANTI’QUITY, s. old times; remains of old times

A’NTRE, s. a cavern

ANXI’ETY, s. perplexity; lowness of spirits

ANXIOUS, a. disturbed about some uncertain event

A’PATHY, s. exemption from feeling or passion

APO’CALYPSE, s. the Book of Revelations

APO’LOGY, s. defence; excuse

APO’STLE, s. a person sent with commands, particularly applied to
    those whom our Saviour deputed to preach the Gospel

APOSTO’LIC, a. delivered or taught by the Apostles

APPARA’TUS, s. tools; furniture; show; instruments

APPE’AR, v.n. be visible; in sight

APPEARANCE, s. the act of coming into sight; phenomenon; apparition;

APPE’NDAGE, s. something added to another thing without being
    necessary to its essence

    A’PPETITE s. hunger; violent longing

    APPLA’USE s. approbation loudly expressed; praise

APPLICATION, s. close study; intenseness of thought; attention; the
    act of applying; the act of applying anything to another.

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.