The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

The Illustrated London Reading Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 377 pages of information about The Illustrated London Reading Book.

ADVE’NTUROUS, a. bold; daring; courageous; inclined to adventures

ADVE’RSITY, s. affliction; calamity; misfortune; the public misery

ADVE’RTISEMENT, s. something advertised; the public notice of a thing

A’DVOCATE, s. he that pleads a cause

AE’OLIAN, a. an epithet applied to lyric poetry, because Sappho and
    Alcaeus were natives of Lesbos in Aeolia, and wrote in the Aeolic

AE’RIAL, a. belonging to the air; lofty

AFFABI’LITY, s. civility; condescension; easiness of manners

AFFE’CT, v.a. act upon; produce effect in any other thing; move the
    passions; aim at; aspire to

AFFECTA’TION, s. an elaborate appearance; false pretence

AFFE’CTION, s. state of being affected by any cause or agent; love;
    kindness; good-will to some person; passionate regard

AFFE’CTIONATE, a. full of affection; fond; tender; warm; benevolent

AFFI’NITY, s. connection with

AGGRE’SSION, s. first act of injury

A’GONY, s. the pangs of death; any violent pain in body or mind

AGRE’EABLE, a. suitable to; pleasing

A’GRICULTURE, s. the science of making land productive

A’LABASTER, s. a kind of soft marble, easier to cut and less durable
    than the other kinds

ALA’RUM, s. notice of any approaching danger; any tumult or

A’LIEN, s. foreigner; stranger

A’LKALI, s. any substance which, when mingled with acid, produces
    effervescence and fermentation

ALLEGO’RY, s. a figurative discourse, in which something is contained
    other than is literally understood

ALLE’VIATE, v.a. make light; ease; soften

ALLO’W, v.a. permit; give leave

A’LPHABET, s. the order of the letters, or elements of speech

ALTERA’TION, s. the act of changing; the change made

A’LTITUDE, s. height of place; space measured upward

AL’TOGETHER, ad. completely; without exception

AMA’LGAMATE, v.a. to unite metals with silver

AMA’ZEMENT, s. height of admiration; astonishment

AMBI’GUOUS, a. using doubtful expressions; doubtful; having two

AMBI’TION, s. the desire of preferment or honour; the desire of
    anything great or excellent

AMBI’TIOUS, a. fond of power; desirous of power

AME’RICAN, s. native of America

A’METHYST, s. a precious stone of a violet colour

A’MIABLE, a. kind; gentle; good natured; loving; not selfish

AMMUNI’TION, s. military stores, applied to artillery

Project Gutenberg
The Illustrated London Reading Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.