A’BSOLUTE, a. positive; certain; unlimited
A’BSTRACT, s. the smaller quantity containing
the virtue or power of
the greater
ABSTRU’SE, a. hidden; difficult
ABU’NDANT, a. plentiful
ABU’TMENT, s. that which borders upon another
ACA’DEMY, s. (from Academus, an
Athenian, who founded a public
school at Athens, which after
him was called Academia, Latin),
place of education; an assembly
or society of men, uniting for the
promotion of some art
A’CCENT, s. the sound of a syllable;
a modification of the voice
expressive of the passions
or sentiments; the marks made upon
syllables to regulate their
A’CCIDENT, s. that which happens unforeseen; chance
ACCO’MPANY, v.n. associate with; become a companion to
ACCO’MPLICE, s. an associate; partner
ACCO’MPLISHMENT, s. ornament of mind or body; acquirement
ACCO’ST, v.a. speak to; address; salute
ACCO’UNT, s. the state or result of a
computation—as, the account
stands thus between us; narrative;
ACCO’UTRE, v.a. dress; equip
A’CCURACY, s. exactness; nicety
ACCU’STOM, v. to habituate; to inure
ACQUI’RE, v.a. gain; obtain; attain
A’CRID, a. having a hot biting taste; bitter
A’CRIMONY, s. sharpness; severity; bitterness of thought or language
ACRO’POLIS, s. a citadel; the highest part of a city
ACTI’VITY, s. quickness; nimbleness
ACU’TE, a. sharp, not blunt; sharp, not
dull; not stupid; vigorous;
powerful in operation
ADAMA’NTINE, a. made of adamant; having
the qualities of adamant, viz.
hardness, indissolubility
ADA’PT, v.a. admit, justify; yield; permit
ADIEU’, ad. used elliptically for a
Dieu je vous commende, at the
parting of friends; farewell
A’DMIRABLE, a. to be admired; of power to excite wonder
ADMIRA’TION, s. wonder
ADMI’T, v.a. suffer to enter; allow
ADO’PT, v.a. take a son by choice; make
him a son who is not so by
birth; place any person or
thing in a nearer relation than they have
by nature or something else
ADRO’ITNESS, s. dexterity; readiness
ADU’LT, s. a person above the age of boyhood or girlhood
ADVA’NCE, v.a. improve; forward; propose
ADVA’NTAGE, s. superiority; opportunity
ADVE’NTURE, s. chance; hazard; an enterprise
in which something must
be left to hazard
ADVE’NTURER, s. he that puts himself into the hands of chance