A Peep into Toorkisthhan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about A Peep into Toorkisthhan.

A Peep into Toorkisthhan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about A Peep into Toorkisthhan.
the year for the season of his predatory excursions, and it happened that, while absent with the flower of his force on one of these death-dealing expeditions, a conspiracy was set on foot, the principal agitator being the eunuch of the seraglio.  “It was determined that on the evening when the chieftain was expected to return, a general feast should be given to those remaining at home, with the double view of rendering the men who had not joined in the conspiracy incapable from the effects of debauchery in siding with Zohawk, and of exasperating the ferocious chieftain, who was known to be averse to any revelry during his absence.  The favourite wife summoned all the harem to a feast, whilst a copious allowance of intoxicating liquor was served out to the minor portion of the garrison.  The wine soon produced the required effect, and in the midst of the revelry and uproar the Kh[=a]n appeared at his castle gate, and without enquiring the cause of the tumult, instantly proceeded to the harem, and lifting the Purdah stood in the presence of his wives.  ‘What is this?’ said he, glancing savagely round.—­’We expected your return and have prepared a feast to welcome you,’ was the ironical reply of the favourite wife, who at the same time trembling in her limbs scarce dared to face the enraged tyrant, ’It is a lie, offspring of a Kaffir; you shall pay the penalty of your disobedience of my orders.  Here, Saleh, take her and throw her over the battlements into the river;’ but ere the reluctant eunuch could enforce the cruel mandate, the woman raised her hand, and with a small dagger pierced herself to the heart.  Unmoved by her tragic fate, Zohawk instantly commanded that four of the other women should be dealt with in the same way, and seeing the eunuch hesitate, drew his Persian blade and rushed at him; but ere the sword fell, the knife of Saleh was sheathed in the ruffian’s breast.  “The news of his death spread rapidly through the castle; then followed the strife of war.  The Kh[=a]n’s party, though in number nearly double that of Saleh, were wearied with their recent foray, and after a desperate conflict of three hours they were driven into one of the wings of the castle, and butchered to a man.  Blood flowed in almost every apartment; broken swords, daggers, and matchlocks lay in all directions, shewing how terrible the strife had been.  And now, when Zohawk’s party had been exterminated, a murmuring arose amongst the victors as to who should be the chief, and Saleh, perceiving that he should gain nothing for the exertions he had made, demanded permission to leave the castle, taking with him as his sole share of booty his sister, who was an inmate of the harem.  His terms were immediately complied with, and the wary eunuch lost no time in quitting the scene of blood.

“Those remaining agreed to defer the election of a chief till they had refreshed themselves after their labours:  in the heat of intoxication blood again flowed, and after passing the whole night in drinking and fighting, morning appeared to eighteen survivors of the fray.  Each still claimed for himself the chieftainship, and while still wrangling on the subject, one of the wounded partizans of Saleh, unperceived by the drunkards, secreted a large bag of powder in the room, and igniting it by a train with his slow match crawled out of the castle.

Project Gutenberg
A Peep into Toorkisthhan from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.