A Peep into Toorkisthhan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about A Peep into Toorkisthhan.

A Peep into Toorkisthhan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about A Peep into Toorkisthhan.
the retreat from Cabul; but though it must be allowed that the despondency and mental enervation which sometimes spreads like an epidemic among Sepoy troops, must importantly deteriorate from their general character as soldiers, still it must be recollected that the physical constitution of the Hindoo incapacitates him from action under some circumstances.  Severe cold benumbs his faculties of mind as well as body, and the nature of his ordinary food is such that unless the supply is regular and sufficient his strength fails him; and again, his belief in predestination is strong, and often a trivial reverse will induce him to abandon himself to his fate.  But in these days the Hindoo soldier need not fear that his noble and gallant qualities will not be understood or appreciated.  Every good soldier will honor the Hindoo for his patient endurance, his courage, and fidelity.

To turn to the convoy:  the attempt was made to get the camels laden with ammunition, stores, and provisions over the Dundun Shikkun Pass; but the difficulties were found to be so great that the escort and convoy returned to Sygh[=a]n, and crossing the Nulli Fursh Kotul, reached their destination.

This was the first glaring instance of the state of the country, and some people may well be astonished it was viewed by the political authorities in so insignificant a light.  But I will not too much impose upon the patience of the reader by detailing the execrable reasons which were put forth for the most absurd measures during the twelve months preceding the annihilation of our army.

It was now evident to those who were not obstinately blind that a general rising was contemplated; and a few days after our arrival at Badjghar we heard that Dost Mahommed had arrived at Koollum, and that after all his diplomacy our old friend the Meer Walli had received him with open arms, and was now on his way to attack our out-posts.  The authorities were shortly afterwards aroused from their apathy, the advanced troops were very properly withdrawn, the gallant Col.  Dennie was sent in command of a small but efficient force to the head of the Bamee[=a]n valley, where, as has been before detailed, he repulsed the combined forces of Dost Mahommed Khan, the Meer Walli of Koollum, and all the Uzbeg chiefs.


On the 12th of August we departed from Badjghar on our return to C[=a]bul, and I reached Bamee[=a]n by a forced march in two days, preceding Sturt, who was still very weak and obliged to travel more leisurely.  I was very nearly suffering from my anxiety to get on, for one of the laden Yabboos, being urged beyond what he considered his lawful rate of progress, lashed out most furiously with both hind legs; luckily, the flap of my saddle received the full force of one of his heels, and the soft part of my leg the other, which lamed me severely for a time.

Project Gutenberg
A Peep into Toorkisthhan from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.