A Tramp Abroad eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 560 pages of information about A Tramp Abroad.

A Tramp Abroad eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 560 pages of information about A Tramp Abroad.

“I will tell you about that man.  It was in Jackson’s time.  Gadsby’s was the principal hotel, then.  Well, this man arrived from Tennessee about nine o’clock, one morning, with a black coachman and a splendid four-horse carriage and an elegant dog, which he was evidently fond of and proud of; he drove up before Gadsby’s, and the clerk and the landlord and everybody rushed out to take charge of him, but he said, ‘Never mind,’ and jumped out and told the coachman to wait—­said he hadn’t time to take anything to eat, he only had a little claim against the government to collect, would run across the way, to the Treasury, and fetch the money, and then get right along back to Tennessee, for he was in considerable of a hurry.

“Well, about eleven o’clock that night he came back and ordered a bed and told them to put the horses up—­said he would collect the claim in the morning.  This was in January, you understand—­January, 1834 —­the 3d of January—­Wednesday.

“Well, on the 5th of February, he sold the fine carriage, and bought a cheap second-hand one—­said it would answer just as well to take the money home in, and he didn’t care for style.

“On the 11th of August he sold a pair of the fine horses —­said he’d often thought a pair was better than four, to go over the rough mountain roads with where a body had to be careful about his driving—­and there wasn’t so much of his claim but he could lug the money home with a pair easy enough.

“On the 13th of December he sold another horse—­said two warn’t necessary to drag that old light vehicle with—­in fact, one could snatch it along faster than was absolutely necessary, now that it was good solid winter weather and the roads in splendid condition.

“On the 17th of February, 1835, he sold the old carriage and bought a cheap second-hand buggy—­said a buggy was just the trick to skim along mushy, slushy early spring roads with, and he had always wanted to try a buggy on those mountain roads, anyway.

“On the 1st August he sold the buggy and bought the remains of an old sulky—­said he just wanted to see those green Tennesseans stare and gawk when they saw him come a-ripping along in a sulky—­didn’t believe they’d ever heard of a sulky in their lives.

“Well, on the 29th of August he sold his colored coachman—­said he didn’t need a coachman for a sulky —­wouldn’t be room enough for two in it anyway—­and, besides, it wasn’t every day that Providence sent a man a fool who was willing to pay nine hundred dollars for such a third-rate negro as that—­been wanting to get rid of the creature for years, but didn’t like to throw him away.

“Eighteen months later—­that is to say, on the 15th of February, 1837—­he sold the sulky and bought a saddle—­said horseback-riding was what the doctor had always recommended him to take, and dog’d if he wanted to risk his neck going over those mountain roads on wheels in the dead of winter, not if he knew himself.

Project Gutenberg
A Tramp Abroad from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.