man may even send his own soul to the regions of Yama.
Beholding all these faults, the wise control their
anger, desirous of obtaining high prosperity both in
this and the other world. It is for this that
they of tranquil souls have banished wrath. How
can one like us indulge in it then? O daughter
of Drupada, reflecting upon all this, my anger is
not excited. One that acteth not against a man
whose wrath hath been up, rescueth himself as also
others from great fear. In fact, he may be regarded
to be the physician of the two (viz., himself
and angry man). If a weak man, persecuted by
others, foolishly becometh angry towards men that are
mightier than he, he then becometh himself the cause
of his own destruction. And in respect of one
who thus deliberately throweth away his life, there
are no regions hereafter to gain. Therefore,
O daughter of Drupada, it hath been said that a weak
man should always suppress his wrath. And the
wise man also who though persecuted, suffereth not
his wrath to be roused, joyeth in the other world—having
passed his persecutor over in indifference. It
is for this reason hath it been said that a wise man,
whether strong or weak, should ever forgive his persecutor
even when the latter is in the straits. It is
for this, O Krishna, that the virtuous applaud them
that have conquered their wrath. Indeed, it is
the opinion of the virtuous that the honest and forgiving
man is ever victorious. Truth is more beneficial
than untruth; and gentleness than cruel behaviour.
How can one like me, therefore, even for the purpose
of slaying Duryodhana, exhibit anger which hath so
many faults and which the virtuous banish from their
souls? They that are regarded by the learned
of foresight, as possessed of (true) force of character,
are certainly those who are wrathful in outward show
only. Men of learning and of true insight call
him to be possessed of force of character who by his
wisdom can suppress his risen wrath. O thou of
fair hips, the angry man seeth not things in their
true light. The man that is angry seeth not his
way, nor respecteth persons. The angry man killeth
even those that deserve not to be killed. The
man of wrath slayeth even his preceptors. Therefore,
the man possessing force of character should ever
banish wrath to a distance. The man that is overwhelmed
with wrath acquireth not with ease generosity, dignity,
courage, skill, and other attributes belonging to
real force of character. A man by forsaking anger
can exhibit proper energy, whereas, O wise one, it
is highly difficult for the angry man to exhibit his
energy at the proper time! The ignorant always
regard anger as equivalent to energy. Wrath, however
hath been given to man for the destruction of the world.
The man, therefore, who wisheth to behave properly,
must ever forsake anger. Even one who hath abandoned
the excellent virtues of his own order, it is certain,
indulgeth in wrath (if behaveth properly). If
fools, of mind without light, transgress in every