Rishi then began to think of perpetuating his race.
But he saw not a wife worthy of him on whom he himself
could take his birth in the form of a son. The
Rishi accordingly, taking those parts that were regarded
as highly beautiful, from creatures possessing them,
created therewith an excellent woman. And the
Muni, endued with great ascetic merit, thereupon gave
that girl created for himself to the king of the Vidharbhas
who was then undergoing ascetic penances for obtaining
offspring. And that blessed girl of sweet face
(thus disposed of) then took her birth (in Vidarbha’s
royal line) and, beautiful as the effulgent lightning,
her limbs began to grow day by day. And as soon
as that lord of earth—the ruler of the
Vidarbhas—saw her ushered into life, he
joyfully communicated the intelligence, O Bharata,
unto the Brahmanas. And the Brahmanas thereupon,
O lord of earth, blessed the girl and they bestowed
upon her the name Lopamudra. And possessed of
great beauty, she began, O monarch, to grow quickly
like unto a lotus in the midst of water or the effulgent
flame of a fire. And when the girl grew and attained
to puberty, a hundred virgins decked in ornaments
and a hundred maids waited in obedience upon her blessed
self. And surrounded by those hundred maids and
virgins, she shone in their midst, endued as she was
with bright effulgence, like Rohini in the firmament
amid an inferior multitude of stars. And possessed
as she was of good behaviour and excellent manners,
none dared ask for her hand even when she attained
to puberty, through fear of her father, the king of
the Vidharbhas. And Lopamudra, devoted to truth,
surpassing the Apsaras even in beauty, gratified her
father and relatives by means of her conduct.
And her father, beholding his daughter—the
princess of Vidharbha—attain to puberty,
began to reflect in his mind, saying, “To whom
should I give this daughter of mine?"’”
“Lomasa continued, ’When Agastya thought
that girl to be competent for the duties of domesticity,
he approached that lord of earth—the ruler
of Vidharbhas—and addressing him, said,
“I solicit thee, O king, to bestow thy daughter
Lopamudra on me.” Thus addressed by the
Muni, the king of the Vidharbhas swooned away.
And though unwilling to give the Muni his daughter,
he dared not refuse. And that lord of earth then,
approaching his queen, said, “This Rishi is endued
with great energy. If angry, he may consume me
with the fire of his curse. O thou of sweet face,
tell me what is thy wish.” Hearing these
words of the king, she uttered not a word. And
beholding the king along with the queen afflicted
with sorrow, Lopamudra approached them in due time
and said, “O monarch, it behoveth thee not to
grieve on my account. Bestow me on Agastya, and,
O father, save thyself, by giving me away.”
And at these words of his daughter, O monarch, the
king gave away Lopamudra unto the illustrious Agastya