Foxglove.—See “Digitalis.”
Fragaria Indica (Ornamental Strawberry).—A rich or peaty mould suits this half-hardy perennial. It may be saved through the winter by protecting the roots, but seed sown in spring will generally fruit the same year. It flowers in July. Height, 1 ft.
Francoa.—Hardy perennials bearing white flowers from June to September. They like a good, warm soil. The only way of raising them is from seed. They require a slight protection in winter. Height, 2-1/2 ft.
Fraxinella (Dictamnus).—This ornamental hardy perennial is commonly known as the Burning Bush. It succeeds in any garden soil, and is easily raised from seed, which ripens freely. If the flowers are rubbed they emit a fine odour. It blooms in June. Height, 3 ft.
Freesia.—Remarkably pretty and graceful Cape flowers, possessing a most agreeable perfume. The plants grow about 9 in. high and produce six or eight tubular flowers on a stem. They are easily cultivated in a cool greenhouse, frame, or window, and are invaluable for cutting, the long sprays lasting from two to three weeks in water. The bulbs should be planted early in the spring in rich, very sandy soil, and given the protection of a cold frame in the winter. By successional plantings they may be had in bloom from January to May. Put six to twelve bulbs in a 4-in. or 8-in pot, place in a sunny position in a cold frame, and cover with damp cinder ashes to keep them fairly moist. When growth has begun and the pots are full of roots, remove the covering of ashes, but keep the pots in the frame, giving a little ventilation when the weather is mild, and watering carefully when the soil appears dry. Protect from frost by a covering of mats. For early flowering remove the plants to a warm greenhouse when the flower spikes appear, keeping them as near the glass as possible. When the buds are developed an occasional application of weak liquid manure will prove beneficial.
Fremontia Californica.—A beautiful and somewhat singular wall shrub, with large yellow flowers. Any soil is suitable for it, but a south or west aspect is indispensable.
Fringe Tree.—See “Chionanthus.”
Fritillarias (Crown Imperials, or Snake’s Head Lilies).—Soil, sandy loam, or well-drained, deep, rich mould. Plant in the open ground in autumn; take the bulbs up as soon as the leaves decay, and preserve them in a rather moist place. Increased by off-sets taken from the old roots every third year. They are not so suitable for pot culture as for outdoor decoration. They are quite hardy, and flower in the spring, bearing clusters of pendent bell-shaped flowers surrounded with tufts of fresh green leaves.
F. Meleagris are of dwarf, slender growth, and bear in early spring elegant pendent flowers of various shades netted and marked with darker colours. These are suitable for either the border or pots. Plant in autumn.