Currants, Flowering.—See “Ribes.”
Cyanthus Lobatus—A small, but very beautiful procumbent perennial, well adapted to fill moist places on rock-work if the situation is open and sunny. A mixture of vegetable mould and sand suits it, and it is best increased by cuttings placed in moist peat. It flowers in the autumn, the flower-stems being from 6 in. to 1 ft. in length.
Cyanus(Cornflower).—Very pretty and free-blooming hardy annuals. Sow the seed in the open in autumn for an early display of flowers, or in March for a later one. Thin out to 2 ft. apart. Bloom in July. Height, 2 ft. to 3 ft.
Cyclamen.—Charming winter and spring blooming bulbous greenhouse plants, which thrive in a mixture of sandy loam and vegetable mould. They require a moist atmosphere and a uniform temperature not lower than 50 degrees. They may be increased by seed sown in slight heat as soon as it is ripe. Plant the bulbs in October, also in February and March, placing them so that the crown is level with the top of the pots. One full-sized bulb is sufficient for a 6-in. pot, which must be provided with good drainage and placed on a layer of coal ashes that is kept constantly moist. Water moderately till growth begins, then increase the supply. Give a little liquid manure, in a weak state, if a large quantity of flower-buds appear. When the blooming season is over, plunge the pots in a shady, well-drained border, and when the leaves start afresh turn the plants carefully out of the pots, so as not to injure their roots, and re-pot in fresh soil. C. Persicum flowers in February, and C. Neapolitanum in April. C. Europeum is a hard variety, thriving in any situation. It produces sweetly-scented flowers throughout July and August. It does best when planted under trees, or in partial shade on rock-work, in well-drained, good loamy or peaty soil mixed with a fair proportion of brick rubble. Plant the corms in September 3 in. apart, and 1-1/2 in. deep. Height, 6 in. to 9 in.
Cydonia (Pyrus).—These hardy plants are well adapted for trellis-work, but are more effective when grown as bushes, and flower more freely than when trained to the wall, the bloom often lasting to the winter. They will grow in any soil, and are increased by suckers. Height, 4 ft. and upwards.