Tagetes (French and African Marigolds).—Half-hardy annuals, very elegant when in flower, and deserve a place in the garden. The seed should be sown on a hotbed in March or April, the plants gradually hardened off, and placed in the open at the end of May in a rich, light soil, when they will flower in August. Height, 1 ft. to 2-1/2 ft.
Tamarix.—Neat feathery plants, very suitable for banks and thriving at the seaside, as is evidenced by its luxuriant growth along the parades at Eastbourne. The hardy kinds will grow in any soil, and may be propagated by cuttings planted in the open either in spring or autumn. The greenhouse and stove varieties require a soil of loam and peat. Cuttings of these should be placed in sand under glass. They flower in June and July. Height, 8 ft. to 10 ft.
Tansy.—A feathery-foliaged hardy perennial, useful for mixing with cut blooms. No special treatment is required. Height, 11 ft.
Taxus.—See “Yew.”
Tecoma.—Ornamental evergreen shrubs of a twining nature, needing a greenhouse for their cultivation. They require a rich, loamy soil mixed with a little sand, or loam and peat, and rejoice in shade and moisture. T. Radicans will grow in the open against a wall, but a warm situation is needed to make it flower. They may be propagated by cuttings of the roots placed in sand under a hand-glass, and by layers. Their flowers are produced in July and August. Height, 6 ft. to 30 ft.
Telekia.—See “Buphthalmum.”
Tellima Grandiflora.—A hardy and very ornamental perennial with round bronzy foliage and spikes of white flowers at midsummer. It succeeds best in peat, but will grow in any rich, light soil. To increase it, divide the roots. Height, 1 ft.
Tetratheca.—Pretty greenhouse evergreen shrubs which produce pink flowers in July. They flourish in a soil consisting of equal proportions of loam, peat, and sand. Cuttings of the young wood planted under glass in a sandy soil will strike. Height, 1 ft.
Teucrium Scorodonia.—This hardy herbaceous plant will grow in any ordinary garden soil. It flowers in July, and is easily raised from seed or increased by division. Height, 1-1/2 ft.
Thalictrum.—Hardy Fern-like perennials, suitable for the backs of borders. They grow well in any light soil from seed sown in spring or autumn, and may also be increased by division.
Thermopsis Montana_(Fabacea)._—This hardy perennial produces spikes of yellow Lupin-like flowers from June to September. The soil should be light and rich. As the plants suffer by division, it is best to raise them by seed, which may be sown either in autumn or spring. Height, 2 ft.
Thladianthe Dubia.—A fine climbing plant with handsome foliage and an abundance of fine yellow flowers. Quite hardy. Sow on a hotbed early in spring, and when sufficiently large and strong, pot off, place in a cold frame to harden, and plant out at the end of May in rich soil.