The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.
information, having been an indefatigable reader, and spent the two last years of his preliminary studies in the office of a special pleader.  At his outset he made no progress, his powers being palsied by an oppressive diffidence.  He therefore devoted his talents entirely to being a draftsman in Chancery.  His employment was laborious, and not lucrative, while it materially injured his health.  In a fit of despondency he resolved to retire into humble practice in his native county; and he had actually given up his chambers and taken leave of his friends in the metropolis, when he was not only diverted from his purpose by an eminent solicitor, but was even prevailed upon to make one more trial at the bar.  His first success was the undoubted fruit of his extraordinary abilities, and is said to have originated in the sudden illness of a leading counsel the night before the trial of a complicated civil cause.  It could not be put off, and the client of the lost leader was in despair, when Scott courageously took the brief, made himself in one night master of its voluminous intricacies, and triumphed.  From this time he gained confidence, and his forensic reputation soon became established.  He was much aided by the encouragement which he received from Lord Thurlow, who praised his abilities, and is said to have offered him a mastership in Chancery, which Mr. Scott declined.

    [1] Tait’s Edinburgh Magazine for the present month.

[2] At this school also were educated Vice-Admiral Lord Collingwood; Sir Robert Chambers; William Elstob, an antiquary and divine; the poet, Akenside; the Rev. George Hall, Bishop of Dromore; and the Rev. John Brand, author of a history of Newcastle, and secretary to the Society of Antiquaries; all of whom were born at Newcastle.

In 1783; Mr. Scott obtained a silk gown; and, through Lord Weymouth’s interest, he was introduced into parliament for the borough of Weobly.  It is stated that on the latter occasion, he stipulated for the liberty of voting as he pleased.  He took a decided part with the Pitt administration; and in 1788, he was appointed solicitor-general, and knighted; in 1793, he rose to be attorney-general, and in the following year he conducted the trial of Hardy, Tooke, and Thelwall, for treason.  Erskine was opposed to him; and the prosecution failed, though the speech of the attorney-general occupied nine hours in the delivery.

In 1799, Sir John Scott was appointed to the chief justiceship of the Common Pleas, on the resignation of Chief Justice Eyre; and in the same year he was raised to the peerage by the title of Baron Eldon.  In 1801, he was made Lord Chancellor, which high office he retained till the year 1827, with the exception of the short period during which the Whigs were in office, in 1806.  His lordship was raised to the dignity of an earl at the coronation of George IV. in 1821.

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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.