at least there was plenty of possibility. In
England there were originally vast plains where the
plentiful supply of water could gather. The streams
were deep and slow, and there were holes of abysmal
depth, where any kind and size of antediluvian monster
could find a habitat. In places, which now we
can see from our windows, were mud-holes a hundred
or more feet deep. Who can tell us when the
age of the monsters which flourished in slime came
to an end? There must have been places and conditions
which made for greater longevity, greater size, greater
strength than was usual. Such over-lappings
may have come down even to our earlier centuries.
Nay, are there not now creatures of a vastness of
bulk regarded by the generality of men as impossible?
Even in our own day there are seen the traces of
animals, if not the animals themselves, of stupendous
size—veritable survivals from earlier ages,
preserved by some special qualities in their habitats.
I remember meeting a distinguished man in India, who
had the reputation of being a great shikaree, who
told me that the greatest temptation he had ever had
in his life was to shoot a giant snake which he had
come across in the Terai of Upper India. He was
on a tiger-shooting expedition, and as his elephant
was crossing a nullah, it squealed. He looked
down from his howdah and saw that the elephant had
stepped across the body of a snake which was dragging
itself through the jungle. ‘So far as
I could see,’ he said, ’it must have been
eighty or one hundred feet in length. Fully
forty or fifty feet was on each side of the track,
and though the weight which it dragged had thinned
it, it was as thick round as a man’s body.
I suppose you know that when you are after tiger,
it is a point of honour not to shoot at anything else,
as life may depend on it. I could easily have
spined this monster, but I felt that I must not—so,
with regret, I had to let it go.’
“Just imagine such a monster anywhere in this
country, and at once we could get a sort of idea of
the ‘worms,’ which possibly did frequent
the great morasses which spread round the mouths of
many of the great European rivers.”
“I haven’t the least doubt, sir, that
there may have been such monsters as you have spoken
of still existing at a much later period than is generally
accepted,” replied Adam. “Also, if
there were such things, that this was the very place
for them. I have tried to think over the matter
since you pointed out the configuration of the ground.
But it seems to me that there is a hiatus somewhere.
Are there not mechanical difficulties?”
“In what way?”
“Well, our antique monster must have been mighty
heavy, and the distances he had to travel were long
and the ways difficult. From where we are now
sitting down to the level of the mud-holes is a distance
of several hundred feet—I am leaving out
of consideration altogether any lateral distance.
Is it possible that there was a way by which a monster
could travel up and down, and yet no chance recorder
have ever seen him? Of course we have the legends;
but is not some more exact evidence necessary in a
scientific investigation?”