The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 518 pages of information about The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories.

The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 518 pages of information about The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories.

As I receded faster and faster from the strange white sun in the black heavens, and from the broad and shining earth upon which my being had begun, I seemed to grow in some incredible manner vast:  vast as regards this world I had left, vast as regards the moments and periods of a human life.  Very soon I saw the full circle of the earth, slightly gibbous, like the moon when she nears her full, but very large; and the silvery shape of America was now in the noonday blaze wherein (as it seemed) little England had been basking but a few minutes ago.  At first the earth was large, and shone in the heavens, filling a great part of them; but every moment she grew smaller and more distant.  As she shrank, the broad moon in its third quarter crept into view over the rim of her disc.  I looked for the constellations.  Only that part of Aries directly behind the sun and the Lion, which the earth covered, were hidden.  I recognised the tortuous, tattered band of the Milky Way with Vega very bright between sun and earth; and Sirius and Orion shone splendid against the unfathomable blackness in the opposite quarter of the heavens.  The Pole Star was overhead, and the Great Bear hung over the circle of the earth.  And away beneath and beyond the shining corona of the sun were strange groupings of stars I had never seen in my life—­notably a dagger-shaped group that I knew for the Southern Cross.  All these were no larger than when they had shone on earth, but the little stars that one scarce sees shone now against the setting of black vacancy as brightly as the first-magnitudes had done, while the larger worlds were points of indescribable glory and colour.  Aldebaran was a spot of blood-red fire, and Sirius condensed to one point the light of innumerable sapphires.  And they shone steadily:  they did not scintillate, they were calmly glorious.  My impressions had an adamantine hardness and brightness:  there was no blurring softness, no atmosphere, nothing but infinite darkness set with the myriads of these acute and brilliant points and specks of light.  Presently, when I looked again, the little earth seemed no bigger than the sun, and it dwindled and turned as I looked, until in a second’s space (as it seemed to me), it was halved; and so it went on swiftly dwindling.  Far away in the opposite direction, a little pinkish pin’s head of light, shining steadily, was the planet Mars.  I swam motionless in vacancy, and, without a trace of terror or astonishment, watched the speck of cosmic dust we call the world fall away from me.

Presently it dawned upon me that my sense of duration had changed; that my mind was moving not faster but infinitely slower, that between each separate impression there was a period of many days.  The moon spun once round the earth as I noted this; and I perceived clearly the motion of Mars in his orbit.  Moreover, it appeared as if the time between thought and thought grew steadily greater, until at last a thousand years was but a moment in my perception.

Project Gutenberg
The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.