Venetia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 593 pages of information about Venetia.

Venetia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 593 pages of information about Venetia.
countenance, announced that the bench was prepared, and mine host was instructed forthwith to summon the constable and his charge, together with Peter and the ostler as witnesses.  There was a rush among some of the crowd who were nighest the scene to follow the prisoner into the room; and, sooth to say, the great Mountmeadow was much too enamoured of his own self-importance to be by any means a patron of close courts and private hearings; but then, though he loved his power to be witnessed, he was equally desirous that his person should be reverenced.  It was his boast that he could keep a court of quarter sessions as quiet as a church; and now, when the crowd rushed in with all those sounds of tumult incidental to such a movement, it required only Mountmeadow slowly to rise, and drawing himself up to the full height of his gaunt figure, to knit his severe brow, and throw one of his peculiar looks around the chamber, to insure a most awful stillness.  Instantly everything was so hushed, that you might have heard Signsealer nib his pen.

The witnesses were sworn; Peter proved that the pony belonged to Lord Cadurcis, and that his lordship had been missing from home for several days, and was believed to have quitted the abbey on this identical pony.  Dr. Masham was ready, if necessary, to confirm this evidence.  The accused adhered to his first account, that he had purchased the animal the day before at a neighbouring fair, and doggedly declined to answer any cross-examination.  Squire Mountmeadow looked alike pompous and puzzled; whispered to the Doctor; and then shook his head at Mr. Signsealer.

’I doubt whether there be satisfactory evidence of the murder, brother Masham,’ said the Squire; ‘what shall be our next step?’

‘There is enough evidence to keep this fellow in custody,’ said the Doctor.  ’We must remand him, and make inquiries at the market town.  I shall proceed there immediately, He is a strange-looking fellow,’ added the Doctor:  ’were it not for his carroty locks, I should scarcely take him for a native.’

‘Hem!’ said the Squire, ‘I have my suspicions.  Fellow,’ continued his worship, in an awful tone, ’you say that you are a stranger, and that your name is Morgan; very suspicious all this:  you have no one to speak to your character or station, and you are found in possession of stolen goods.  The bench will remand you for the present, and will at any rate commit you for trial for the robbery.  But here is a Peer of the realm missing, fellow, and you are most grievously suspected of being concerned in his spiriting away, or even murder.  You are upon tender ground, prisoner; ’tis a case verging on petty treason, if not petty treason itself.  Eh!  Mr. Signsealer?  Thus runs the law, as I take it?  Prisoner, it would be well for you to consider your situation.  Have you no compunctions?  Compunctions might save you, if not a principal offender.  It is your duty to assist the bench in executing justice.  The Crown is merciful; you may be king’s evidence.’

Project Gutenberg
Venetia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.