This being done, I carried my man with me to my castle, and gave him a pair of linen drawers, which I had taken out of the poor gunner’s chest before mentioned; and which, with a little alteration, fitted him very well; in the next place I made him a jerkin of goat’s skin, such as my skill was able to manage, and indeed I thought myself then a tolerable good tailor. I gave him also a cap which I made of a hare’s skin, very convenient and fashionable. Thus being clothed tolerably well, my man was no less proud of his habit, than I was at seeing him in it. Indeed he went very aukwardly at first, the drawers being too heavy on his thighs not used to bear any weight, and the sleeves of the waistcoat galled his shoulders and the inside of his arms; but by a little easing where he complained they hurt him, and by using himself to them, at length he took to them very well.
My next concern was, where I should lodge him; and that I might do well by him, and yet be perfectly easy myself, I erected a tent for him in the vacant place between my two fortifications, in the inside of the last, and the outside of the first; and, as there was an entrance or door into my cave, I made a formal framed door-case, and a door to open on the inside; I barred it up in the night time, taking in my ladders too, so that, was my man to prove treacherous, there could be no way to come at me in the inside of my innermost wall, without making so much noise in getting over, that it must needs waken me; for my first wall had now a complete roof over it of long poles, spreading over my tent, and leaning up to the side of the mountain, which was again laid cross with smaller sticks instead of laths, and thatched over a great thickness with the rice straw, which was as strong as reeds; and at the hole of the place, left on purpose to go in or out by the ladder, had placed a kind of trap-door, which, if it had been attempted on the outside, would not have opened at all, but have fallen down, and made a great noise; and as to my weapons, every night I took them all to my bed side.
But there was no occasion for this precaution; for surely never master had a more sincere, faithful, and loving servant, than Friday proved to me. Without passion, sullenness, or design, perfectly obliging and engaging, his affections were as much tied to me, as those of a child to its parents; & I might venture to say, he would have sacrificed his life for the saving mine, upon any occasion whatsoever. And indeed the many testimonies he gave me of this, sufficiently convinced me that I had no occasion to use these precautions. And here I could not but reflect with great wonder, that however it hath pleased the Almighty in his providence, and in the government of the creation, to take from so great a part of the world of his creatures, the noblest uses to which their faculties, and the powers of their souls are adapted; yet that he has bestowed upon them the same reason, affections, sentiments of kindness and obligation,