The boys glanced at each other again, but this time with mutual feelings of pride. Bill had interested a well-to-do farmer in making a pool below a fine spring and with his consent and some materials he had furnished. The boys had stonewalled a regular gulch, afterwards stocking the crystal clear pool they had made with landlocked salmon obtained from the state hatchery. The fish were now averaging a foot in length and many a fine meal the boys and the farmer had out of that pond.
“Now, fellows, I’ll divide between you the entire profits,” Professor Gray began, but Bill and Gus both stopped him.
“No, sir! You pay us no more than we could have got in the mill, and the rest is yours. Look at the fun we’ll have, that’s worth a lot.” Bill always tried to be logical and he never failed to have a reason for his conclusions. “And then,” he added, “this will be for you and we couldn’t do enough—”
“I’ll see that you are paid and thank you, also,” laughed the Professor. “And tomorrow morning, if it suits you, we shall start with the work, which means making a survey of the ground and listing materials. There will be a segment dam, with flood gates; about an eighth of a mile of piping; a Pelton wheel, boxed in; a generator speeded down; a two-horse-power storage battery; wiring and connections made with present lighting system in house; lodge; stables and garage;—and the thing is done if it works smoothly. The closest attention to every detail, taking the utmost pains, will be necessary and I know you will—”
“Just like Edison!” Bill fairly shouted, making Professor Gray and Gus laugh heartily. The Professor said:
“Eight! And we shall hope to follow his illustrious example. Tomorrow it is, then.”
When the two chums, elated over their sudden advancement to be professional engineers, came out on the street, they were not a little surprised to see all the girls and boys of the class waiting, and evidently for them, as they could but judge on hearing the words:
“Here they come! We’ll get him started. Bill knows.”
“Say, old scout,” cautioned Gus, in a low voice, “better not tell about our job. Let it dawn on them later.”
“Righto, Gus. It’s nobody’s business but ours. But what do the bunch want?”
Bill soon found out, however, when Cora and Ted came to meet him.
“We’ve had an argument, Terry and I, about Edison,” said the girl, “and I know you can settle it. I said that—”
“Hold on! Don’t tell me who said anything; then it’ll be fair,” Bill demanded.
“‘O wise, wise judge!’” gibed Ted. “Ought to have a suit of ermine. Proper stunt, too. Let me put it, Cora; I’ll be the court crier. Come on and let’s squat on the bank like the rest. Judge, you ought to be the most elevated. Now, then, here’s the dope: Did Edison really ever do anything much to help with the war?”