departure of Martha Washington, 237.
Library of Congress, Washington papers in, 5, 85, 87, 90.
Little Miami River, history of Washington’s lands upon, 34-36.
Long Island Historical Society, Pearce-Washington papers in, 86.
Lossing, Benson J., visit of to Mount Vernon, 160.
Lucerne, Washington experiments with, 91, 92.
McCracken, Washington buys land from, 9.
McKoy,—, overseer, 183.
Madison, Dolly, did not invent ice cream, 302, 303.
Madison, James: story of his ice house, 302;
opposed to slavery, 215.
“Magnolia”: a blooded Arabian stallion,
131, 132; in a race, 252.
Magowan, Rev. Mr., sells lottery tickets, 251.
Maid of the Mill, Washington witnesses performance
of, 246.
Mansion House: view from porch of, 64; bequeathed
Bushrod Washington,
84; Bishop starts for, 172;
grounds of overrun with
negro children, 191; hospital
for slaves built near,
195; mentioned, 63, 267, 268; Bernard
visits, 312.
Mansion House Farm: described, 61; Washington
will not
rent, 127; bequeathed
to Bushrod Washington, 178;
financial loss on in
1798, 287.
Manure, see “Fertilizer".
Marl, Washington experiments with, 95, 99, 105.
Mason, George: description of industry upon estate
of, 40-43;
is dead, 233; deer hunting
at, 257, 258.
Matilda’s Ben, misbehavior of, 205.
Meade, Colonel, visits Washington, 309.
Mercer, John F., Washington’s letter to about
slavery, 213.
Meteorological table, manager required to keep, 83.
Michaux, Andre, botanist, brings pyramidical cypress
the king of France,
Military Company of Adventurers, Washington a member
of, 19.
Mill: Washington’s mill on the Youghiogheny,
24, 30; his
mill on Four Mile Run,
97; that on Dogue Run, 97, 98, 182.
Mississippi Company, Washington interested in, 10.
Morgan, General Daniel: talks over inland waterways
with Washington 28;
mentioned, 317.
Morris, Gouverneur: sends Washington Chinese
pigs and
geese, 146, 147; goes
fishing with him, 265.
Mosquitoes, prevalence of about Mount Vernon, 65.
Mount Vernon: Washington retires to, 4; given
to Lawrence Washington,
8; George Washington
spends part of youth at, 9; early history of,
10; life interest of
Anne Lee in bought by Washington, 11; estate,
16, 17, 20, 32; bequeathed
to Bushrod Washington, 33; description
of, 60 et seq.; visit
of owner in 1781, 78; seeds sent by Young
reach, 117; Booker builds
threshing machine at, 126, 127;
Washington attempts
to rent, 127; Washington’s care for the lands
of, 129; number of horses
on in 1785, 132; number of sheep on,
135; resounds with jubilant
sounds, 140; number of oxen on, 144,
208; house rebuilt,
151-153; successive managers of, 178-182;