Jack, Mount Vernon fisherman, 267.
Jackasses: Washington’s, 137 et seq., 148;
stud fees of in 1798, 287.
Jackson, Andrew, ushers in an era of whisky drinkers,
Jefferson, Thomas: explains why land is misused,
53; agricultural
correspondence with
Washington, 83; carries bundle of pecan trees
to Alexandria for Washington,
159; opposed to slavery, 215.
Johnson, John, brings nostrum for fits, 224.
Johnston, George, sells land to Washington, 9.
“Jolly,” a horse, gets leg broken, 134.
Jones,—, Washington visits farm of, 113.
Knight, Humphrey, manages Mount Vernon, 178.
“Knight of Malta,” a jackass, his history,
140, 141.
Knox, Thomas, one of Washington’s English agents,
45, 46.
“Lady,” has four puppies, 259.
Lafayette, George W., stay of at Mount Vernon, 241,
242, 300.
Lafayette, Marquis de: visits Washington, 27;
Washington’s letter to
regarding “Royal
Gift,” 138; sends Washington a jackass and two
jennets, 140; last visit
to Washington, 240; sends Washington some
hounds, 259.
Lame Peter, taught to knit, 193.
Laurie, Dr. James, comes to Mount Vernon drunk, 195.
Lear, Lincoln, Washington’s interest in, 175-177.
Lear, Tobias: correspondence of with Washington
published, 86;
biography of, 175-177;
marries widow of George A. Washington, 177,
180; writes directions
about Billy Lee, 208; Washington explains
to him his desire for
selling western lands, 213; directed to get
slaves out of Pennsylvania,
216; letter of Washington to, 242;
Parkinson’s conversation
with, 279; gives Parkinson money, 280.
Lee, General Charles: story of Washington’s
loans to, 81, 82;
mentioned, 317.
Lee, George, marries widow of Lawrence Washington,
Lee, Henry: sends Washington cuttings of the
tree box, 155; they show
little signs of growing,
Lee, Robert E., Jr., administrator de bonis non
of Washington’s
estate, 35.
Lee, William (Billy): accompanies Washington
to the Ohio, 20; breeches
bought for, 82; helps
get Colonel Smith out of a scrape, 172-174;
val de chambre, 193;
history of, 206-209; freed, 218; acts as
huntsman, 260, 261.
“Leonidas,” a stallion, 131.
Lewis, Betty: visit of Washington to, 112; sends
brother some filberts,
155; Washington gives
her a mule, 298; mentioned, 293.
Lewis, Howell, manages Mount Vernon, 180.
Lewis, Lawrence: builds “Woodlawn,”
63; rents Dogue Run Farm, 127, 315;
with uncle on a ride,
133; Washington expresses wish to that
Virginia would abolish
slavery, 215; helps Washington entertain
guests, 243, 244; possible
part of Washington in furthering love
affair of, 305; marriage
of, 314.
Lewis, Nelly Custis, see “Nelly Custis".
Lewis, Robert: manages Mount Vernon, 180; describes