“Botanical Garden”: used for experimental purposes, 106;
location of, 161.
Boucher, Jonathan, teaches John Parke Custis, 225.
Bowen, Cavan, indentured servant, bought, 167.
Bowling Green: laid out by Washington, 154; mentioned, 161.
Box hedge, doubtful history of, 160, 161.
Braddock, Gen. Edward: Washington joins staff of, 4, 5;
Bishop his servant, 170; mentioned, 12, 316.
Brents, Washington purchases, 17.
Bruff, Thomas, amusing request for a loan, 291-293.
Bullskin Plantation, Washington patents, 9.
Burbank, Luther, mentioned, 107.
Burnes, David, quizzes Washington about his marriage, 16.
Butler,—: a gardener, 161; dismissed, 183.
Calvert, Eleanor: love affair with John Parke
Custis, 225;
letter of Martha Washington
to, 226; for second husband
marries Doctor Stuart,
Campbell’s tavern, Washington in card game at,
Campion,—, brings “Knight of Malta,”
Cape of Good Hope wheat, Washington experiments with,
Carrington, Mrs. Edward, describes Martha Washington’s
sewing activities, 232,
Carroll, Charles, interested in Nelly Custis, 235.
Carter, Charles H., returns a loan, 293, 294.
Gary, freedman, death of at great age, 218.
Cattle: poor quality of, 56, 57; number lost
in twenty months,
142; Washington’s
experiences with, 143 et seq.; number
owned in 1799, 148;
Parkinson’s poor opinion of,
276, 279.
Chastellux, Marquis de: Washington describes
to him the
delights of his retirement,
5; letter of Washington to
about inland navigation,
26; on Washington’s horsemanship,
Chinch bugs, a bad year for, 104.
Chinese geese, Gouverneur Morris sends some to Washington,
Chinese pigs, a gift to Washington, 147.
Christian, Mr., dancing master, 247, 248.
Cincinnatus: Washington did not affect role of,
picture of the American
at Mount Vernon, 131;
mentioned, 317.
Clifton,—, fails to abide by a bargain
with Washington, 17.
Clinton, George: in partnership with Washington
in a land speculation, 26;
sends young trees and
vines to Washington, 155.
Coaches: Washington’s experiences with,
303, 304;
mentioned, 141.
Compost, Washington experiments with, 92-94.
“Compound,” a jackass, 140.
Congress, Washington recommends establishment of a
board of agriculture
to, 127, 128.
Conservationist, Washington the first, 129.
Copy-book, Washington’s, verses quoted from,
Corn: some raised in Virginia, 51, 52;
chief food of laborers
and horses, 53;
Washington’s experience
growing, 69;
his opinion as to the
proper time for planting, 105.
Craik, Dr. James: tours western country with
Washington, 20 et seq., 27
et seq.; physician to