Forty Years in South China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about Forty Years in South China.

Forty Years in South China eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 197 pages of information about Forty Years in South China.
If it had struck on either side of the pillar, it would have come into a room in which many Chinese were collected.  On Sunday last there was much fighting again.  A small ball came into our veranda.  A small ball entered Mr. Doty’s house, one entered Mr. Alexander Stronach’s house, several entered Dr. Hirschberg’s house; other houses also were struck.  Dr. Hirschberg’s house has been the most exposed.  We have all been preserved from harm thus far.  He, who has thus far preserved us, I trust will continue to preserve us.  The fighting is more serious than at first.  A little more courage is manifested and more execution is done.  But I do not see any prospect of either party being victorious.  The party whose funds are completely used up first, will doubtless have to yield to the other.  I cannot tell which that will be.  I shall be heartily glad when one of the armies withdraws from Amoy.  The country around Amoy is becoming desolated.  Houses and whole villages are plundered and burned.  In Amoy suffering abounds, and I suppose is increasing.  When I go out into the street I usually put a handful of cash into my pocket to distribute to the beggars.”

In November, 1853, Imperial authority asserted itself.

“The Imperial forces having collected from the neighboring garrisons, appeared in such overwhelming strength that the insurgents hastily put off to sea.  Many succeeded in escaping to Formosa and Singapore.  The leader was accidentally shot off Macao.  The restoration of Imperial authority was followed, however, by terrible scenes of official cruelty and bloodthirstiness.  The guilty had escaped, but the Emperor Hienfung’s officials wreaked their rage on the helpless and unoffending townspeople.  Hundreds of both sexes were slain in cold blood, and on more than one occasion English officers and seamen interfered to protect the weak and to arrest the progress of an undiscriminating and insensate massacre.”


“In tropical lands, when the rain comes, what was barren baked earth, in a day or two is rich meadow, all ablaze with flowers, and the dry torrent beds, where the stones lay white and glistening ghastly in the hot sunshine, are foaming with rushing streams and fringed with budding oleanders.”  Such a spiritual transformation it was the glad privilege of our missionaries to witness in the region of Amoy during the years 1854 and 1855.  Until then, to the eye of man only an occasional seed had burst its way through the stone-crusted earth and given a shadow of harvest hope.  The first four years of prayer and testimony from 1842-1846 were definitely and visibly rewarded with only two converts.

Project Gutenberg
Forty Years in South China from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.