Hindoo Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about Hindoo Tales.

Hindoo Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about Hindoo Tales.

“You must therefore come here at midnight, and having stripped entirely, swim out into the middle of the tank, and there float on your back as long as possible.  Presently a rushing noise will be heard, and the water will be troubled, and dash against the bank.  As soon as the commotion has subsided, come forth; you will find that your body has become younger, stronger, and improved in every respect; and when you return to the palace there will be no further difficulty or obstacle on the part of the princess, who will immediately undergo a change in her feelings, and will long for your society as much as she now abhors it.  All this is quite certain; you need not have the smallest doubt; but if you think proper, before deciding, consult your ministers, and be guided by their advice.  If they consent, first worship the gods and propitiate them with offerings, make large donations to the brahmans and the poor, and come here to-night at the appointed time.  That there may be no danger from alligators or concealed enemies, let the tank be thoroughly dragged with nets by a hundred fishermen, and place a line of soldiers all round it with torches in their hands a few steps from the water; with these precautions no possible harm can happen to you.”

The enamoured king, very anxious for the expulsion of the supposed demon, and fully believing that I had the power to perform what I had promised, went away well pleased, and immediately consulted his ministers.  They seeing how eager he was, and not anticipating any possibility of danger, readily approved of the proceeding.

Having obtained their consent the king returned to me, and finding that I was about to depart, earnestly entreated me to stay, saying that half the pleasure of success would be taken away if I were not there to witness it; but I answered that there were urgent reasons for my immediate departure, and that I had already remained longer than I had intended to do, solely on his account.  I assured him that I had so prepared everything that my presence was now quite unnecessary, that I was about to disappear from the world, and that he would see me no more.  Finding me quite determined, he took leave of me with many expressions of respect, and went back to his palace to give orders for the performance of all that I had directed.

Accordingly, a large number of fishermen with nets were engaged, by whom the lake was thoroughly dragged, and large donations were made to the brahmans and the poor.  Towards evening, soldiers with torches were placed, all round the tank, and at midnight the king, attended by a numerous retinue, and followed by a great crowd anxious to witness the expected miracle, came to the steps leading down to the water, and having undressed there in a tent which had been pitched for that purpose, plunged in and swam out to the middle.

Project Gutenberg
Hindoo Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.