Hindoo Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about Hindoo Tales.

Hindoo Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about Hindoo Tales.

“In this manner I have raised his hopes very high; and to encourage him still further, I said:  ’I have heard from a learned astrologer, with whom I am acquainted, that you have certain marks upon you which indicate that you will one day be a king.  This love on the part of the princess tends to the fulfilment of the prediction.  You are therefore on the high road to fortune.  If you have spirit enough to pursue it, all you have to do now is to obtain a secret interview with the lady; the rest will follow in due time.’

“‘But how can I manage this?’ he asked.  ‘The wall of the garden,’ I replied, ’communicating with the princess’s apartments, is separated from those of the gaol by a space of a few yards only.  You could not get over these walls; but you might make an underground passage, and slip in unobserved; and I will take care that there shall be some one to receive and conduct you to the princess.  When once with her, you are safe; for all her attendants are attached to her; not one would betray the secret.’

“‘But how can I make this underground passage?’ he asked.  ’I cannot dig it myself, or employ workmen.’

“‘Have you no clever thief here,’ I replied, ’accustomed to such work?’

“‘Well suggested,’ he answered.  ‘I have just the right man.’

“‘Who is he?’ I said.

“‘That man who has stolen the magic purse,’ said he.  ’If he will set to work with a good will he will soon dig his way through.’

“‘Very good,’ I answered.  ’You must persuade him by promising to let him go when the work is done.  But it would never do for him to be in the secret; therefore, when he has finished, put on his fetters again, and report to the king that he is exceedingly obstinate; that you have tried all other means to make him confess, and that nothing remains but to put him to torture.  No doubt the king will give orders accordingly; and you can easily manage so to inflict it that he shall die under it.  When he is dead, your secret will be safe; you can visit the princess as often as you like; and, doubtless, in the end the king, rather than disgrace his daughter, will consent to your marriage; and as he has no other child, will make you his successor.’

“With this proposal he was quite delighted; and has been treating you well, that you may have strength for the work.  He intends to ask you to begin to-night; and has sent me to persuade you, believing me to be devoted to his interests, and looking forward to some great reward when he has got his wish.”

Having heard this from the old woman, I gave her great praise, and said:  “Lose no time.  Tell him I am quite ready to do the work.”

After this, Kantaka came to me, told me what he wanted, and swore a solemn oath that I should be liberated when the work was done; and I, in return, swore to keep his secret.

Then he took off my fetters; I got a bath and a good dinner, and presently set to work in a dark corner, under the wall.  Soon after midnight the work was done, and an opening made into the courtyard of the women’s apartments.

Project Gutenberg
Hindoo Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.