Table A.
Industries. Massachusetts. Great Britain. Total
Agricultural implements 4
1 5
Artisans’ tools 3
4 7
Boots and shoes 18
2 20
Brick 3
1 4
Building trades 32
24 56
Carpetings 1
1 2
Carriages and Wagons 11
3 14
Clothing 10
4 14
Cotton goods 10
9 19
Flax and jute goods 2
3 5
Food preparations 5
2 7
Furniture 11
1 12
Glass 1
3 4
Hats (fur wool and silk) 3
2 5
Hosiery 5
3 8
Liquors (malt and distilled) 10
1 11
Machines and machinery 12
15 27
Metals and metallic goods 25
13 38
Printing and publishing 12
7 19
Printing, dyeing and bleaching etc 3
4 7
Stone 10
1 11
Wooden goods 12
1 13
Woolen goods 4
2 6
Worsted goods 3
3 6
210 110 320
Thirty-two cities in Massachusetts, and twenty-six in Great Britain, were visited in search of returns, of which almost all our great industrial centers yield their quota.
It being, of course, impossible to obtain wage returns for all the employes of these various industries in either country, the investigation aimed at covering at least 10 per cent. of such totals, and, in the case of Massachusetts, succeeded in getting returns for 36,000 hands, or 13 per cent. of the whole number of artisans employed in the twenty-four industries examined. Great Britain, on the other hand, made returns for about half that number of hands, but their proportion to the totals employed cannot be similarly stated, first, because we have here no specific industrial census, and, second, because many of the English returns were made for an indefinite number of employes.