Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 135 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884.

Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 135 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884.
so small that they hardly ever meet—­they would have to be infinitely small to never meet—­that, in fact, they meet so seldom, in comparison with the number of times their courses—­are turned through large angles by attraction, that the influence of these surely attractive collisions is preponderant over that of the comparatively very rare impacts from actual contact.  Thus, after all, the train of speculation suggested by Davy’s “Repulsive Motion” does not allow us to escape from the idea of true repulsion, does not do more than let us say it is of no consequence, nor even say this with truth, because, if there are impacts at all, the nature of the force during the impact and the effects of the mutual impacts, however rare, cannot be evaded in any attempt to realize a conception of the kinetic theory of gases.  And in fact, unless we are satisfied to imagine the atoms of a gas as mathematical points endowed with inertia, and as, according to Boscovich, endowed with forces of mutual, positive, and negative attraction, varying according to some definite function of the distance, we cannot avoid the question of impacts, and of vibrations and rotations of the molecules resulting from impacts, and we must look distinctly on each molecule as being either a little elastic solid or a configuration of motion in a continuous all-pervading liquid.  I do not myself see how we can ever permanently rest anywhere short of this last view; but it would be a very pleasant temporary resting-place on the way to it if we could, as it were, make a mechanical model of a gas out of little pieces of round, perfectly elastic solid matter, flying about through the space occupied by the gas, and colliding with one another and against the sides of the containing vessel.

This is, in fact, all we have of the kinetic theory of gases up to the present time, and this has done for us, in the hands of Clausius and Maxwell, the great things which constitute our first step toward a molecular theory of matter.  Of course from it we should have to go on to find an explanation of the elasticity and all the other properties of the molecules themselves, a subject vastly more complex and difficult than the gaseous properties, for the explanation of which we assume the elastic molecule; but without any explanation of the properties of the molecule itself, with merely the assumption that the molecule has the requisite properties, we might rest happy for a while in the contemplation of the kinetic theory of gases, and its explanation of the gaseous properties, which is not only stupendously important as a step toward a more thoroughgoing theory of matter, but is undoubtedly the expression of a perfectly intelligible and definite set of facts in Nature.

Project Gutenberg
Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.