Virginia: the Old Dominion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 226 pages of information about Virginia.

Virginia: the Old Dominion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 226 pages of information about Virginia.

Ramsay, Mrs. C. Sears, present owner of Westover
Ramsay, Elizabeth
Ramsay family at Westover
Randolph, Mistress Anne, of Wilton
  pre-Revolutionary belle, married the second Benjamin Harrison of
  her portrait at Brandon
Richmond, at the Falls of the James
  founded by William Byrd of Westover in 1733
Rolfe, John
  marriage to Pocahontas
  after marriage lived at Varina
Shirley, colonial seat of the Hills and of the Carters
  right way to go to
  great seventeenth-century American plantation
  early owners of
  the exterior of the mansion and the ancient messuage
  the oldest homestead on the river and one of the oldest in the
  the present owners
  the colonial “great hall”
  interior of mansion
  colonial portraits
  kitchen and cook-room
  colonial furnishings copied in restoration of the Mt.  Vernon kitchen
  colonial silverware
  romance of “Light Horse Harry” Lee and Anne Hill Carter
  Peale’s portrait of Washington
  old-time Shirley

Silverware, colonial, family silver at Brandon
  communion service of Martin’s Brandon Church at Brandon
  at Shirley
Smith, Captain John
Stratford, the ancestral home of the Lees
Stuart, Gilbert

Thomas, colonial house of

Varina, site of early home of John Rolfe and Pocahontas
Virginia society, type of

War of 1812, fort built in
Washington, George
  portrait of, by Peale, at Shirley
Water Supply of James Towne colonists
  became property of the Byrds
  present mansion built
  its colonial importance, and its successive owners
  riverward front
  interior of mansion
  romantic centre of
  present owner and family
  landward front, courtyard, and noted entrance gates
  garden and sun-dial, and tomb of William Byrd
  mysterious subterranean chambers
  recent restoration of
  old survey of plantation
Westover Church
  one of earliest churches in the country
  two plantations
  houses of
  an Indian name
  present day family at
  oldest building at
  postoffice at
Whittaker, Reverend Alexander
Willcox, John V., ownership of Fleur de Hundred
Wilton, home of Mistress Anne Randolph
Windmill Point
  first windmill in America

Yeardley, Sir George, tomb of
  ownership of Weyanoke
  ownership of Fleur de Hundred
  built first windmill in America
Yonge, Samuel H.


Each in one volume, decorative cover, profusely illustrated

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By George Wharton James $6.00

New Mexico:  The Land of the Delight Makers
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Project Gutenberg
Virginia: the Old Dominion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.