Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.

Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.
  militia bill of 1756, i. 307, n. 4;
  mentioned, iv. 237. 
  capital convictions in 1784, iv. 328, n. 1;
  cathedral, iii. 457;
  Franklin visits it, ii. 60, n. 2;
  Johnson visits it in 1762, i. 496, n. 2;
  mentioned, ii. 115. 
  Johnson places Burney’s son there, iii. 367;
  Morell visits it, v. 350, n. 1;
  Peregrine Pickle’s governor, v. 185, n. 2. 
WINDHAM, Right Hon. William,
  account of him in 1784, iv. 407, n. 2;
  balloons, love of, iv. 356, n. 1;
  Burke’s merriment, iv. 276;
  Essex Head Club, member of the, iv. 254, 438;
  Eumelian Club, member of the, iv. 394, n. 4;
  Glasgow University, at, iii. 119;
  Horsley’s character, iv. 437;
  Johnson’s advice to him, iv. 200, n. 4;
    at Ashbourn, visits, iv. 356, 362, n. 2;
    attends, when dying, iv. 407, 411, 415, n. 1;
      his servant nurses him, iv. 418, n. 2;
    bequest to him, iv. 402, n, 2;
      gift, iv. 440;
    college days, i. 70, n. 3;
    dexterity in retort, iv. 185;
    funeral, iv. 419;
    and Heberden, iv. 399, n. 6;
    Latin read with pleasure by few, v. 80, n. 2;
    letters to him, iv. 227, 362;
    never read the Odyssey through, i. 70, 72, n. 3;
    pension, proposed increase of, iv. 338, n. 2;
    recommends Frank to him, iv. 401, n. 4;
  Literary Club, member of the, i. 479;
  opposition to good measures, iv. 200, n. 4;
  portrait, ii. 25, n. 2;
  rascal, will make a very pretty, iv. 200;
  Secretary for Ireland, iv. 200, 227, n. 2;
  wants and acquisitions, iii. 354;
  Wapping, explores, iv. 201, n. 1;
  Warton’s, Dr., amazement, ii. 41, n. 1;
  mentioned, ii. 306; iv. 344. 
WINDOW-TAX, v. 301, n. 1. 
  Beauclerk’s house, i. 250;
  Johnson and the Mayor, iv. 312, n. 4;
  mentioned, iii. 400, n. 2. 
WINDUS, John, Journey to Mequinez, v. 445.
Windward, defined, i. 293. 
  abstinence a great deduction from life, iii. 169, 245, 327;
    not a diminution of happiness, iii. 245;
    does not admit of doubting, iii. 250;
    reasons for it, ii. 435; iii. 245;
  advice to one who has drunk freely, ii. 436; iii. 389;
  benevolence, drunk from, iii. 327;
  bottles drunk at a sitting, iii. 243, n. 4;
  claret and ignorance, iii. 335;
  claret, port, and brandy distinguished, iii. 381; iv. 79;
  conversation and benevolence, effect on, iii. 41, 327;
  daily consumption of wine, iii. 27, n. 1;
  different, makes a man, v. 325;
  ‘drives away care,’ ii. 193;
  drunk, the art of getting, iii. 389;
  drunk for want of intellectual resources, ii. 130;
  freezing, iv. 151, n. 2;
  in vino veritas, ii. 188;
  Johnson’s abstinence, i. 103, n. 3;
    advice to drink wine, ib.;
      not to drink it, iii. 169;
Project Gutenberg
Life of Johnson, Volume 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.