Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.

Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.
  Cumberland’s Odes, iii. 43, n. 3;
  Dalrymple, Sir John, ii. 210, n. 2;
  Dashwood, Sir F., ii. 135, n. 2;
  Devonshire, third Duke of, iii. 186, n. 4;
  Dodd’s execution, iii. 120, n. 3;
    attempt to bribe the Chancellor, iii. 139, n. 3;
    sermon at the Magdalen House, iii. 139, n. 4;
  Dodsley, Robert, ii. 447, n. 2;
  Drummond’s Travels, v. 323, n. 3;
  Dublin theatre riot, i. 386, n. 1;
  duelling, ii. 226, n. 5;
  Dundas, ‘Starvation,’ ii. 160, n. 1;
  Dunning’s motion on the influence of the Crown, iv. 220, n. 5;
  Eton, revisits, iv. 127, n. 1;
  Fitzherbert’s suicide, ii. 228, n. 3;
  Fitzpatrick, Richard, iii. 388, n. 3;
  freethinking, iii. 388, n. 3;
  French, affect philosophy and free-thinking, iii. 388, n. 3;
    gentleman’s visit to London in 1764, iv. 92, n. 5;
    ladies, indelicacy of the talk of, ii. 403, n, 1; iii. 352, n. 2;
    meals, ii. 402, n. 2;
    middling and common people, ii. 402, n. 1;
    philosophy, iii. 305, n. 2;
    savans, iii. 254, n. 1;
    ‘talk gruel and anatomy,’ iv. 15, n. 4;
  gaming-clubs, iii. 23, n. 1;
  Garrick’s acting, iv. 243, n. 6;
    funeral, iv. 208, n. 1;
  George I and Miss Brett, i. 174, n. 2;
    burnt two wills, ii. 342, n. 1;
    his will burnt, ib.; iv. 107, n. 1;
  George II and Alexander’s Feast, i. 209, n. 2;
    character, i. 147, n. 1;
    and the fast of Jan. 30, ii. 152, n. 1;
    and his father’s will, ii. 342, n. 1; iv. 107, n. 1;
  George III aims at despotism, i. 116, n. 1;
    as commander-in-chief, iii. 365, n. 4;
    coronation, iii. 9, n. 2; v. 103, n. 1;
    and Sir John Dalrymple, ii. 210, n. 2;
    and the fast of Jan. 30, ii. 152, n. 1;
    and Johnson’s Journey, ii. 290, n. 2;
    ministers his tools, iii. 408, n. 4;
      his own minister, i. 424, n. 1;
    mother and Lord Bute, iv. 127, n. 3;
    and the sea, i. 340, n. 1;
  George IV in his youth, ii. 33, n. 3;
  Leonidas Glover, v. 116, n. 4;
  Goldsmith’s envy, i. 413, n. 3;
    an ‘inspired idiot,’ i. 412, n. 6;
      ‘silly,’ i. 388, n. 3;
    and Malagrida, iv. 175, n. 1;
    She Stoops to Conquer, ii. 208, n. 5;
  Gordon Riots, iii. 429, n. 3; v. 328, n. 2;
  Gower, Lord, i. 296, n. 1;
  Granger’s patron, iii. 91;
  Gray, Sir James, ii. 177, n. 1;
  Grenville, George, ii. 135, n. 2;
  Gunning, the Misses, v. 359, n. 2;
  Hagley Park, v. 78, n. 3, 456, n. 1;
  Hamilton, W. G., i. 520;
  Heroic Epistle ascribed to him, iv. 315;
  Highland regiment in Jersey, v. 142, n. 2;
  highwaymen, iii. 239, n. 1;
  Hill, Sir John, ii. 38, n. 2;
  History of the House of Yvery, iv. 198, n. 3;
  Hollis, Thomas, iv. 97, n. 3;
  Hooke, Nathaniel, v. 175, n. 3;
  ‘Horry’ Walpole, iv. 314;
  Hotel du Chatelet, ii. 389, n. 2;
Project Gutenberg
Life of Johnson, Volume 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.