UDSON, Mr., ii. 398.
ULYSSES, i. 12.
UNCLUBABLE, i. 27, n. 2, 480, n. 1; iv. 254, n. 2.
inverted, iii. 379;
man’s superiority over woman, iii.
propagating it, ii. 109, n. 2;
Reynolds’s rule for judging it,
iv. 316.
UNEASINESS, iv. 273.
UN-IDEA’D, ‘A set of wretched unidea’d
girls,’ i. 251.
Union, The, i. 117, n. 1.
UNITARIANS, ii. 408, n. i; iv. 125, n. 2.
Unius lacertae, iii. 255.
Universal Chronicle, or Weekly Gazette, i.
330, 345, n. 1.
Universal History, iii. 443; iv. 311.
Universal Visiter, i. 178, n. 2, 306; ii. 345.
conversation of a man taught at an English
one, v. 370;
English and Scotch compared, i. 63, n.
1; v. 85, n. 2;
fellowships, value of, iii. 13;
foreign professorships, iii. 14;
Gibbon, attacked by, iii. 13, n. 3;
rich, not too, as Adam Smith asserts,
iii. 13;
school where everything may be learnt,
should be a, ii. 371;
subscription to the Articles, ii. 151;
v. 64;
theory and practice, ii. 52; iii. 138:
See under CAMBRIDGE and OXFORD, and
under SCOTLAND, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow,
and St. Andrews.
Unscottified, ii. 242; v. 55, n. 1.
UNWINS, the, Cowper’s friends, i. 522.
UPPER-OSSORY, Lord, iii. 230, n. 5.
UPSTARTS, getting into parliament, ii. 153, 339.
URBINO, v. 276.
URIE, Captain, v. 135.
URNS, iv. 421, n. 2; v. 453, n. 1.
Ursa Major. See JOHNSON, bear.
USHER, Archbishop,
assists Lydiat, i. 194, n. 2;
luminary of the Irish Church, ii. 132.
USHER, at a school, i. 84.
USURY, law against, iii. 26.
UTILITY, beauty not dependent on it, ii. 166; iv.
Utopia, iii. 202, n. 3.
Boswell a student there, i. 400, 473;
ii. 9;
William Pitt (Earl of Chatham), a student,
ii. 177, n. 1.
Johnson does penance there, i. 56, n.
2; iv. 373;
Michael Johnson’s shop, i. 36, n.
UZa^S, Duke of, iii. 322, n. 3.
VACANCIES, eagerness for, iii. 251.
VACHELL, William, iii. 83, n. 3.
VACUUM, i. 444, n. 2.
‘VAGABOND, Mr.,’ iii. 411, n. 1.
Vagabondo, Il, i. 202; iii. 411.
VAILS, ii. 78.
VALENCIA, ii. 195, n. 3; iii. 434.
Johnson’s disgust at them, iii.
1, 152.
VALLANCY, Colonel, iv. 272, 278.
attempted to answer Jeremy Collier, iv.
286, n. 3;
Provoked Husband, ii. 48, n. 3;
iv. 284, n. 2;
Reynolds’s tribute to him, iv. 55.
VANE, Anne, v. 49, n. 4.
VANE, Lady, v. 49, n. 4.
Vanessa, ii. 389, n. 1.
Vanity of Human Wishes,
account of it, i. 192-5;
price paid for it, i. 193,