French and English compared in point of
decency, ii. 50, n. 3;
orange-girls, v. 185, n. 1;
proposal for a third one, iv. 113:
See under LONDON, Covent Garden, Drury Lane, and Haymarket.
THEBES, ii. 179.
THEFT, allowed in Sparta, ii. 176; iii. 293.
THELWALL, John, iv. 278, n. 3.
Double Falsehood, iii. 395, n. 1;
Pope, attacked by, ii. 334, n. 1;
Shakespeare, edits, v. 244, n. 2;
Warburton, compared with, i. 329;
helped by him, v. 80.
Theodosius, ii. 471.
Theophilus Insulanus, v. 225.
THICKNESSE, Philip, criticises Smollett, iii. 235-6.
THIEVES, all men naturally thieves, iii. 271.
Thing, not the, iv. 89.
THINKING, liberty of, ii. 249, 252.
THIRLBY, Dr. Styan, iv. 161, n. 4.
articles of peace, ii. 104;
meaning of subscription, ii. 151;
petition for removing the subscription, ii. 150;
motion to consider it, ii. 208, n. 4.
THOMAS, Colonel, iv. 211, n. 4.
THOMAS, Nathaniel, iii. 92, n. 2.
blank verse of the Seasons, iv. 42, n. 7;
Boswell’s assistance to Johnson in his Life, ii. 63;
iii. 116, 133, 359;
character, his, not to be gathered from his works, iii. 117, n. 7;
cloud of words, iii. 37;
Edward and Eleonora not licensed, i. 141, n. 1;
family, account of his, iii. 359;
Johnson inserts him among the Lives, iii. 109;
letters to his sisters, ii. 64; iii. 117, 360;
licentiousness, ii. 63; iii. 117;
Lives of Thomson, iii. 116-7;
‘loathed much to write,’ iii. 360;
poetical eye, i. 453; ii. 63; iii. 37;
‘Queensberry, worthy,’ ii. 368, n. 1;
Quin’s generosity to him, iii. 117;
Scotland, never returned to, iii. 117;
Seasons, quoted, i. 98, n. 1; iii. 151, n. 4;
by Voltaire, i. 435, n. 2;
sisters, generosity to his, ii. 64; iii. 360;
wine, love of, i. 359.
THOMSON, Rev. James,
case of ecclesiastical censure, iii. 58-64, 91.
a schoolmaster (the poet’s brother-in-law), ii. 64; iii. 116, 360.
THORNTON, Bonnell,
Adventurer, writes for the, i. 252, n. 2;
Boswell enlivened by his witty sallies, i. 395;
Ode on St. Cecilia’s Day, i. 420;
Rambler, parodies the, i. 218, n. 1;
Student, writes for the, i. 209.
THORP, Mr. Robert, of Macclesfield, iv. 393. n. 3.
THORPE, iii. 359.
command of one’s, ii. 190, 202, n. 2;
inquisitive and perplexing, iv. 370, n. 3;
troublesome at night, ii. 440;
vexing, iii. 5.
Thoughts on Executive Justice, iv. 328, n. 1.
Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falkland’s Islands.
See Falkland’s Islands.
THRALE FAMILY, account of the, i. 491, n. 1.
orange-girls, v. 185, n. 1;
proposal for a third one, iv. 113:
See under LONDON, Covent Garden, Drury Lane, and Haymarket.
THEBES, ii. 179.
THEFT, allowed in Sparta, ii. 176; iii. 293.
THELWALL, John, iv. 278, n. 3.
Double Falsehood, iii. 395, n. 1;
Pope, attacked by, ii. 334, n. 1;
Shakespeare, edits, v. 244, n. 2;
Warburton, compared with, i. 329;
helped by him, v. 80.
Theodosius, ii. 471.
Theophilus Insulanus, v. 225.
THICKNESSE, Philip, criticises Smollett, iii. 235-6.
THIEVES, all men naturally thieves, iii. 271.
Thing, not the, iv. 89.
THINKING, liberty of, ii. 249, 252.
THIRLBY, Dr. Styan, iv. 161, n. 4.
articles of peace, ii. 104;
meaning of subscription, ii. 151;
petition for removing the subscription, ii. 150;
motion to consider it, ii. 208, n. 4.
THOMAS, Colonel, iv. 211, n. 4.
THOMAS, Nathaniel, iii. 92, n. 2.
blank verse of the Seasons, iv. 42, n. 7;
Boswell’s assistance to Johnson in his Life, ii. 63;
iii. 116, 133, 359;
character, his, not to be gathered from his works, iii. 117, n. 7;
cloud of words, iii. 37;
Edward and Eleonora not licensed, i. 141, n. 1;
family, account of his, iii. 359;
Johnson inserts him among the Lives, iii. 109;
letters to his sisters, ii. 64; iii. 117, 360;
licentiousness, ii. 63; iii. 117;
Lives of Thomson, iii. 116-7;
‘loathed much to write,’ iii. 360;
poetical eye, i. 453; ii. 63; iii. 37;
‘Queensberry, worthy,’ ii. 368, n. 1;
Quin’s generosity to him, iii. 117;
Scotland, never returned to, iii. 117;
Seasons, quoted, i. 98, n. 1; iii. 151, n. 4;
by Voltaire, i. 435, n. 2;
sisters, generosity to his, ii. 64; iii. 360;
wine, love of, i. 359.
THOMSON, Rev. James,
case of ecclesiastical censure, iii. 58-64, 91.
a schoolmaster (the poet’s brother-in-law), ii. 64; iii. 116, 360.
THORNTON, Bonnell,
Adventurer, writes for the, i. 252, n. 2;
Boswell enlivened by his witty sallies, i. 395;
Ode on St. Cecilia’s Day, i. 420;
Rambler, parodies the, i. 218, n. 1;
Student, writes for the, i. 209.
THORP, Mr. Robert, of Macclesfield, iv. 393. n. 3.
THORPE, iii. 359.
command of one’s, ii. 190, 202, n. 2;
inquisitive and perplexing, iv. 370, n. 3;
troublesome at night, ii. 440;
vexing, iii. 5.
Thoughts on Executive Justice, iv. 328, n. 1.
Thoughts on the late Transactions respecting Falkland’s Islands.
See Falkland’s Islands.
THRALE FAMILY, account of the, i. 491, n. 1.