Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.

Life of Johnson, Volume 6 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 720 pages of information about Life of Johnson, Volume 6.
  his annuity, v. 257-8;
  helps the Pretender, v. 188-9;
  examined, v. 259-60;
  mentioned, v. 160-1. 
MACDONALD of Kingsburgh, the younger, account of him, v. 184;
  emigrates, v. 185;
  mentioned, v. 205-6. 
MACDONALD, old Mrs. of Kingsburgh, v. 190. 
MACDONALD, Archibald, M.P., v. 153, n. 1. 
MACDONALD of Clanranold, v. 158. 
MACDONALD, Sir Donald, v. 147. 
MACDONALD, Donald, v. 149. 
MACDONALD, Donald (Donald Roy), v. 190-1. 
MACDONALD, Flora, wife of Macdonald of Kingsburgh,
  Account of her adventures, v. 187-191, 201, 259;
  Courtenay’s Poetical Review,
    mentioned in, ii. 268;
  emigrates, v. 185, n. 3;
    courage on board ship, ib.;
  health drunk on Jan. 30, iii. 371;
  Johnson visits her, v. 179, 184;
  Primrose, Lady, rewards her, v. 201, n. 3;
  virulent Jacobite in her old age, v. 185, n. 4. 
MACDONALD, Hugh, v. 279. 
MACDONALD, Sir James, account of him, i. 449;
  death, v. 153, n. 1;
  deeply regretted, v. 149;
  English education, v. 149;
  epitaph, v. 151;
  generosity, v. 258;
  Johnson, terror of, i. 449;
  letters to his mother, v. 153, n. 1;
  Marcellus of Scotland, iv. 82, n. 1; v. 152, n. 1;
  Rasay has his sword, v. 174;
  mentioned, v. 183, 289. 
MACDONALD, James, a factor, Johnson visits him, v. 275-79. 
MACDONALD, James, of Knockow, v. 257. 
MACDONALD, Lady Margaret, widow of Sir A. Macdonald of Slate,
  adored in Sky, iii. 383; v. 260;
  befriends the Pretender, v. 188;
  raises a monument to her son, v. 153. 
MACDONALD, Ranald, ii. 309. 
MACDONALD of Scothouse, v. 197. 
MACDONALD of Sky, league with Rasay, v. 174. 
MACFARLANE, THE LAIRD OF, the antiquary, v. 156, n. 3. 
MACFRIAR, Donald, v. 191-2. 
M’GHIE, Dr. William, i. 191, n. 5. 
M’GINNISES, The, v. 337. 
MACKENZIE,—­, of Applecross, v. 194. 
MACKENZIE, Sir George, Characteres Advocatorum, v. 212-4;
  Dryden describes him as ‘that noble wit of Scotland’, iv. 38, n. 1. 
MACKENZIE, Henry, Man of Feeling, i. 360;
  Man of the World, i. 360, n. 2; v. 277;
  Mirror, The, iv. 390, n. 1;
  Poker Club, ii. 431, n. 1;
  Wedderburne’s Club, iv. 179, n. 1;
  mentioned, ii. 35, n, 1. 
MACKENZIE, John, v. 191-3. 
MACKENZIE,—­, stories of second sight, v. 160. 
MACKINNON, of Corrichatachin, v. 156;
  Boswell calls him Corri, v. 258;
  Johnson visits him, v. 156-162, 257-265. 
MACKINNON, John, v. 197-8. 
MACKINNON, Lady, v. 198. 
MACKINNON, Laird of, v. 165, 195, 197-9. 
MACKINNON, Mrs., v. 160-1, 259, 264. 
MACKINTOSH, Sir James, Aberdeen, his fellow-students at, v. 85, n. 2;
  study of Greek there, v. 92, n. 1;
  birth-place, v. 132, n. 1;
  Burke on Boswell’s Life as a monument to Johnson’s fame, i. 10, n. 1;
    and Gibbon, ii. 348, n. 1;
    on Johnson’s talk, iv.
Project Gutenberg
Life of Johnson, Volume 6 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.