to Wilkes, iv. 107;
to Langton, iv. 132;
to Bewley, iv. 134;
to Rev. Mr. Wilson, iv. 162;
to Cruikshank, iv. 240;
to Miss Langton, iv. 267;
to Johnson’s physicians, iv. 399, n. 5;
Dilly’s account of the undertaking, iii. 110;
Johnson’s anger at an indecent poem being inserted, iv. 36, n. 4;
collects materials, iii. 427;
not the editor of this Collection of Poets, iii. 117, n. 8, 137,
370; iv. 35, n. 3;
inattention to minute accuracy, iii. 359, n. 2;
letters to Nichols the printer, iv. 36, n. 4;
portraits in different editions, iv. 421, n. 2;
recommends the insertion of four poets, iii. 370; iv. 35, n. 3;
trusted much to his memory, iv. 36, n. 3;
Nichols, printed by, iv. 36, 63, n. 1, 321;
piety, written so as to promote, iv. 34;
Rochester’s Poems castrated by Steevens, iii. 191;
rough copy sent to the press, iv. 36;
Savage, many of the anecdotes from, i. 164;
titles suggested, iv. 36, n. 4;
words, learned, iv. 39.
Lives of the Poets (Bell’s edition), ii. 453, n. 2; iii. 110.
Lives of the Poets, by Theophilus Cibber, i. 187; iii. 29-30.
LIVINGS, inequality of, ii. 172.
LIVY, i. 506; ii. 342.
LLANDAFF, Bishopric of, iv. 118, n. 2.
LLOYD, A., Account of Mona, v. 450.
LLOYD (Llwyd), Humphry, v. 438.
LLOYD, Mrs., Savage’s god-mother, i. 172.
LLOYD, Olivia, i. 92.
LLOYD, Robert, the poet,
account of him, i. 395, n. 2;
Connoisseur, i. 420, n. 3; ii. 334, n. 3;
Odes to Obscurity, ii. 334.
LLOYD, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson,
Boswell and Johnson dine with them, ii. 456, 457;
Barclay’s Apology, ii. 458;
observance of days, ii. 458.
LLOYD, William, Bishop of St. Asaph,
his learning in ready cash, ii. 256, n. 3;
his palace, v. 437.
LLOYD, ——, of Maesmynnan, v. 445.
LLOYD, ——, schoolmaster of Beaumaris, v. 447.
LOAN, government, raised at eight per cent, in 1779, iii. 408; n. 4.
Lobo’s Abyssinia,
Johnson translates it, i. 78, n. 2, 86-9, 340, n. 3;
sees a copy in his old age, iii. 7.
Loca Solennia, Boswell writes to Johnson from, ii. 3, n. 1.
attachment, ii. 103;
consequence, ii. 133;
histories, iv. 218, n. 1;
sanctity, ii. 276.
LOCHBUY, Laird of,
Johnson visits him, v. 341-3;
his dungeon, v. 343.
LOCHBUY, Lady, v. 341-3.
LOCHIEL, Chief of, v. 297, n. 1.
LOCKE, John,
anecdote of him and Dr. Clarke, i. 3, n. 2;
Common-Place Book, i. 204;
exportation of coin, on the, iv. 105;
last words to Collins, iii. 363, n. 3;
Latin Verses, v. 93-5;
style, iii. 257, n. 3;
Treatise on Education, cold bathing for children, i. 91, n. 1;
the proper age for travelling, iii. 458;
whipping an infant, ii. 184;
to Langton, iv. 132;
to Bewley, iv. 134;
to Rev. Mr. Wilson, iv. 162;
to Cruikshank, iv. 240;
to Miss Langton, iv. 267;
to Johnson’s physicians, iv. 399, n. 5;
Dilly’s account of the undertaking, iii. 110;
Johnson’s anger at an indecent poem being inserted, iv. 36, n. 4;
collects materials, iii. 427;
not the editor of this Collection of Poets, iii. 117, n. 8, 137,
370; iv. 35, n. 3;
inattention to minute accuracy, iii. 359, n. 2;
letters to Nichols the printer, iv. 36, n. 4;
portraits in different editions, iv. 421, n. 2;
recommends the insertion of four poets, iii. 370; iv. 35, n. 3;
trusted much to his memory, iv. 36, n. 3;
Nichols, printed by, iv. 36, 63, n. 1, 321;
piety, written so as to promote, iv. 34;
Rochester’s Poems castrated by Steevens, iii. 191;
rough copy sent to the press, iv. 36;
Savage, many of the anecdotes from, i. 164;
titles suggested, iv. 36, n. 4;
words, learned, iv. 39.
Lives of the Poets (Bell’s edition), ii. 453, n. 2; iii. 110.
Lives of the Poets, by Theophilus Cibber, i. 187; iii. 29-30.
LIVINGS, inequality of, ii. 172.
LIVY, i. 506; ii. 342.
LLANDAFF, Bishopric of, iv. 118, n. 2.
LLOYD, A., Account of Mona, v. 450.
LLOYD (Llwyd), Humphry, v. 438.
LLOYD, Mrs., Savage’s god-mother, i. 172.
LLOYD, Olivia, i. 92.
LLOYD, Robert, the poet,
account of him, i. 395, n. 2;
Connoisseur, i. 420, n. 3; ii. 334, n. 3;
Odes to Obscurity, ii. 334.
LLOYD, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson,
Boswell and Johnson dine with them, ii. 456, 457;
Barclay’s Apology, ii. 458;
observance of days, ii. 458.
LLOYD, William, Bishop of St. Asaph,
his learning in ready cash, ii. 256, n. 3;
his palace, v. 437.
LLOYD, ——, of Maesmynnan, v. 445.
LLOYD, ——, schoolmaster of Beaumaris, v. 447.
LOAN, government, raised at eight per cent, in 1779, iii. 408; n. 4.
Lobo’s Abyssinia,
Johnson translates it, i. 78, n. 2, 86-9, 340, n. 3;
sees a copy in his old age, iii. 7.
Loca Solennia, Boswell writes to Johnson from, ii. 3, n. 1.
attachment, ii. 103;
consequence, ii. 133;
histories, iv. 218, n. 1;
sanctity, ii. 276.
LOCHBUY, Laird of,
Johnson visits him, v. 341-3;
his dungeon, v. 343.
LOCHBUY, Lady, v. 341-3.
LOCHIEL, Chief of, v. 297, n. 1.
LOCKE, John,
anecdote of him and Dr. Clarke, i. 3, n. 2;
Common-Place Book, i. 204;
exportation of coin, on the, iv. 105;
last words to Collins, iii. 363, n. 3;
Latin Verses, v. 93-5;
style, iii. 257, n. 3;
Treatise on Education, cold bathing for children, i. 91, n. 1;
the proper age for travelling, iii. 458;
whipping an infant, ii. 184;