JERSEY, v. 142, n. 2.
JERSEY, Earl of, i. 31, n. 4.
JERUSALEM, ii. 275-6.
Jests of Hierocles, i. 150.
attacked by Psalmanazar, iii. 444;
persecuted in Japan, v. 392, n. 5.
JEWITT, Mr. L., ii. 324, n. 1.
JOCULARITY, low, i. 449.
JODDREL (Jodrell), R. P., iv. 254, 272, 437.
JODRELL, Sir R. P., M.D., iv. 437.
JOHN, King, i. 248.
John Bull, v. 20, n. 2.
Johnny Armstrong,
quoted by Johnson for its abruptness, i. 403;
in Holyrood, v. 43.
JOHNSON, B., the actor, iv. 243, n. 6.
JOHNSON, Andrew (Johnson’s uncle),
great at boxing and wrestling, iv. 111, n. 3; v. 229, n. 2.
JOHNSON, Charles, author of The Adventures of a Guinea, v. 275, n. 2.
JOHNSON, D., i. 79, n. 2.
JOHNSON, Elizabeth (Dr. Johnson’s wife, H. Porter’s widow,
maiden name Jarvis or Jervis), i. 86, n. 1;
account of her, i. 95;
her age, i. 95, n. 2;
character, i. 241, n. 4;
death, i. 203, n. 1, 234;
epitaph, i. 241, n. 2;
Ford’s ghost, iii. 349;
Garrick’s mimicry of her, i. 99;
Hampstead lodgings, i. 192;
indulgencies, i. 238;
Johnson’s conversation, admires, i. 95;
lodgings in her last illness, iv. 377, n. 1;
marriage, i. 95; ii. 77;
marriage-settlement, i. 95, n. 3;
personal appearance, i. 95, 99; 238;
Rambler, admiration of the, i. 210;
Tetty or Tetsey, i. 98; ii. 77;
wedding-ring, i. 237;
mentioned, i. 488, 500; iii. 46.
See JOHNSON, wife.
JOHNSON, Fisher, and his sons (Johnson’s cousins), iv. 402, n. 2.
JOHNSON, ‘the gigantick,’ i. 388, n. 3.
JOHNSON, Hester (Stella), iv. 177, n. 2; v. 243.
JOHNSON, the horse-rider, i. 399; iii. 231.
JOHNSON, Michael (Johnson’s father),
account of him, i. 34-7;
accompanies his son to Oxford, i. 59;
bankrupt, i. 78-9; iv. 402, n. 2;
book-trade, i. 36;
Chester fair, at, v. 435;
death, i. 80;
disapproved of tea, i. 313, n. 2;
epitaph, i. 79, n. 2; iv. 393;
excise prosecution, i. 36, n. 5;
fire in the parlour on Sunday, v. 60;
‘foolish old man,’ i. 40;
house, his, iv. 372, n. 2;
Jacobite, a, i. 37;
marriage register, i. 35, n. 1;
melancholy, i. 35;
oath of abjuration, signs the, ii. 322;
observer, no careless, i. 34, n. 5;
sheriff of Lichfield, i. 36, n. 4;
Uttoxeter market, at, iv. 373.
JOHNSON, Mr., in Blackmore’s Lay Monastery, v. 384, n. 2.
JOHNSON, Nathanael (Johnson’s younger brother),
complains of his brother, i. 90, n. 3;
death, i. 35, 90, n. 3;
epitaph, ib.; iv. 393;
letter from him, i. 90, n. 3;
succeeds his father, i. 90.
JOHNSON, Samuel, Rev., i. 135.
(For his publications see also i. 16-24; for a complete
JERSEY, Earl of, i. 31, n. 4.
JERUSALEM, ii. 275-6.
Jests of Hierocles, i. 150.
attacked by Psalmanazar, iii. 444;
persecuted in Japan, v. 392, n. 5.
JEWITT, Mr. L., ii. 324, n. 1.
JOCULARITY, low, i. 449.
JODDREL (Jodrell), R. P., iv. 254, 272, 437.
JODRELL, Sir R. P., M.D., iv. 437.
JOHN, King, i. 248.
John Bull, v. 20, n. 2.
Johnny Armstrong,
quoted by Johnson for its abruptness, i. 403;
in Holyrood, v. 43.
JOHNSON, B., the actor, iv. 243, n. 6.
JOHNSON, Andrew (Johnson’s uncle),
great at boxing and wrestling, iv. 111, n. 3; v. 229, n. 2.
JOHNSON, Charles, author of The Adventures of a Guinea, v. 275, n. 2.
JOHNSON, D., i. 79, n. 2.
JOHNSON, Elizabeth (Dr. Johnson’s wife, H. Porter’s widow,
maiden name Jarvis or Jervis), i. 86, n. 1;
account of her, i. 95;
her age, i. 95, n. 2;
character, i. 241, n. 4;
death, i. 203, n. 1, 234;
epitaph, i. 241, n. 2;
Ford’s ghost, iii. 349;
Garrick’s mimicry of her, i. 99;
Hampstead lodgings, i. 192;
indulgencies, i. 238;
Johnson’s conversation, admires, i. 95;
lodgings in her last illness, iv. 377, n. 1;
marriage, i. 95; ii. 77;
marriage-settlement, i. 95, n. 3;
personal appearance, i. 95, 99; 238;
Rambler, admiration of the, i. 210;
Tetty or Tetsey, i. 98; ii. 77;
wedding-ring, i. 237;
mentioned, i. 488, 500; iii. 46.
See JOHNSON, wife.
JOHNSON, Fisher, and his sons (Johnson’s cousins), iv. 402, n. 2.
JOHNSON, ‘the gigantick,’ i. 388, n. 3.
JOHNSON, Hester (Stella), iv. 177, n. 2; v. 243.
JOHNSON, the horse-rider, i. 399; iii. 231.
JOHNSON, Michael (Johnson’s father),
account of him, i. 34-7;
accompanies his son to Oxford, i. 59;
bankrupt, i. 78-9; iv. 402, n. 2;
book-trade, i. 36;
Chester fair, at, v. 435;
death, i. 80;
disapproved of tea, i. 313, n. 2;
epitaph, i. 79, n. 2; iv. 393;
excise prosecution, i. 36, n. 5;
fire in the parlour on Sunday, v. 60;
‘foolish old man,’ i. 40;
house, his, iv. 372, n. 2;
Jacobite, a, i. 37;
marriage register, i. 35, n. 1;
melancholy, i. 35;
oath of abjuration, signs the, ii. 322;
observer, no careless, i. 34, n. 5;
sheriff of Lichfield, i. 36, n. 4;
Uttoxeter market, at, iv. 373.
JOHNSON, Mr., in Blackmore’s Lay Monastery, v. 384, n. 2.
JOHNSON, Nathanael (Johnson’s younger brother),
complains of his brother, i. 90, n. 3;
death, i. 35, 90, n. 3;
epitaph, ib.; iv. 393;
letter from him, i. 90, n. 3;
succeeds his father, i. 90.
JOHNSON, Samuel, Rev., i. 135.
(For his publications see also i. 16-24; for a complete