Great, how pronounced, ii. 161.
GREAT, the, cant against their manners, iii. 353;
Johnson, never courted by, iv. 116;
did not seek his society, iv. 117;
or Richardson’s, ib., n. 1;
officious friends, have, ii. 65, n. 4;
seeking their acquaintance, ii. 10; iii. 189.
‘GREAT HE,’ ii. 210.
GREAT MOGUL, ii. 40, n. 4.
GREAVES, Samuel, iv. 253.
GREECE, fountain of knowledge, iii. 333;
modern Greece swept by the Turks, ii. 194.
GREEK, books for beginners, iii. 407;
Genardus’s Grammar, iv. 20;
essential to a good education, i. 457;
like lace, iv. 23;
a woman’s knowledge of it, i. 122, n. 4.
See JOHNSON, Greek.
GREEKS, barbarians mostly, ii. 170;
dramatists, iv. 16;
empire, iii. 36.
GREEN, John, Bishop of Lincoln, i. 45.
GREEN, Matthew, iii. 405, n. 1.
GREEN, Richard, of Lichfield, account of him, ii. 465;
his Museum, ib.; iii. 412;
Johnson, letter from, iv. 393;
mentioned, iii. 393; iv. 399, n. 5.
GREEN ROOM, of Drury Lane, i. 201.
Green Sleeves, v. 260.
GREENE, Burnaby, i. 517.
GREENHOUSES, ii. 168; iv. 206.
GREENWICH, Boswell and Johnson’s day there, i. 457;
Hospital, i. 460;
Johnson composes part of Irene in the Park, i. 106;
lodges in Church Street, i. 107;
Park, described by Miss Talbot, i. 106, n. 2;
not equal to Fleet Street, i. 461.
GREGORY, David, Geometry, v. 294.
GREGORY, Dr. James, iii. 126; v. 48.
GREGORY, Dr. John, v. 48, n. 3.
GREGORY, professors of that name, v. 48, n. 3.
GREGORY, ——, iii. 454.
GRENVILLE, Right Hon. George,
Beckford’s Bribery Bill, supports, ii. 339, n. 2;
‘could have counted the Manilla ransom,’ ii. 135;
Johnson’s letter to him, i. 376, n. 2.
Grenville Act, iv. 74, n. 3; v. 391.
GRETNA GREEN, iii. 68.
Johnson and Garrick, i. 216, n. 3;
and Fox, iv. 167, n. 1;
‘public dinner’ at Lambeth, iv. 367, n. 3.
GREVILLE, Richard Fulke, Maxims and Characters, iv. 304;
account of him, ib., n. 4;
mentioned, iv. 1, n. 1.
GREY, first Earl, iii. 424, n. 4.
GREY, Dr. Richard, iii. 318.
GREY, Stephen, ii. 26.
GREY, Dr. Zachary, i. 444, n. 1; iii. 318; v. 225, n. 3.
GRIEF, alleviated by recording recollections of the dead, i. 212;
digested, to be, not diverted, iii. 28;
effect of business engagements on it, ii. 470;
Johnson’s advice as to dealing with it, iii. 136; iv. 100, 142;
not retained long by a sound mind, iii. 136;
wears away soon, iii. 136.
GRIERSON, Mr. and Mrs., ii. 116.
GRIFFITHS, Ralph, the publisher, his evidence worthless, iii. 30, n. 1;
war with Smollett, iii. 32, n. 2.
GRIFFITHS, ——, of Bryn o dol, v. 449.
GRIFFITHS, ——, of Kefnamwycllh, v. 452.
GRIMM, Baron, Candide, i. 342;
GREAT, the, cant against their manners, iii. 353;
Johnson, never courted by, iv. 116;
did not seek his society, iv. 117;
or Richardson’s, ib., n. 1;
officious friends, have, ii. 65, n. 4;
seeking their acquaintance, ii. 10; iii. 189.
‘GREAT HE,’ ii. 210.
GREAT MOGUL, ii. 40, n. 4.
GREAVES, Samuel, iv. 253.
GREECE, fountain of knowledge, iii. 333;
modern Greece swept by the Turks, ii. 194.
GREEK, books for beginners, iii. 407;
Genardus’s Grammar, iv. 20;
essential to a good education, i. 457;
like lace, iv. 23;
a woman’s knowledge of it, i. 122, n. 4.
See JOHNSON, Greek.
GREEKS, barbarians mostly, ii. 170;
dramatists, iv. 16;
empire, iii. 36.
GREEN, John, Bishop of Lincoln, i. 45.
GREEN, Matthew, iii. 405, n. 1.
GREEN, Richard, of Lichfield, account of him, ii. 465;
his Museum, ib.; iii. 412;
Johnson, letter from, iv. 393;
mentioned, iii. 393; iv. 399, n. 5.
GREEN ROOM, of Drury Lane, i. 201.
Green Sleeves, v. 260.
GREENE, Burnaby, i. 517.
GREENHOUSES, ii. 168; iv. 206.
GREENWICH, Boswell and Johnson’s day there, i. 457;
Hospital, i. 460;
Johnson composes part of Irene in the Park, i. 106;
lodges in Church Street, i. 107;
Park, described by Miss Talbot, i. 106, n. 2;
not equal to Fleet Street, i. 461.
GREGORY, David, Geometry, v. 294.
GREGORY, Dr. James, iii. 126; v. 48.
GREGORY, Dr. John, v. 48, n. 3.
GREGORY, professors of that name, v. 48, n. 3.
GREGORY, ——, iii. 454.
GRENVILLE, Right Hon. George,
Beckford’s Bribery Bill, supports, ii. 339, n. 2;
‘could have counted the Manilla ransom,’ ii. 135;
Johnson’s letter to him, i. 376, n. 2.
Grenville Act, iv. 74, n. 3; v. 391.
GRETNA GREEN, iii. 68.
Johnson and Garrick, i. 216, n. 3;
and Fox, iv. 167, n. 1;
‘public dinner’ at Lambeth, iv. 367, n. 3.
GREVILLE, Richard Fulke, Maxims and Characters, iv. 304;
account of him, ib., n. 4;
mentioned, iv. 1, n. 1.
GREY, first Earl, iii. 424, n. 4.
GREY, Dr. Richard, iii. 318.
GREY, Stephen, ii. 26.
GREY, Dr. Zachary, i. 444, n. 1; iii. 318; v. 225, n. 3.
GRIEF, alleviated by recording recollections of the dead, i. 212;
digested, to be, not diverted, iii. 28;
effect of business engagements on it, ii. 470;
Johnson’s advice as to dealing with it, iii. 136; iv. 100, 142;
not retained long by a sound mind, iii. 136;
wears away soon, iii. 136.
GRIERSON, Mr. and Mrs., ii. 116.
GRIFFITHS, Ralph, the publisher, his evidence worthless, iii. 30, n. 1;
war with Smollett, iii. 32, n. 2.
GRIFFITHS, ——, of Bryn o dol, v. 449.
GRIFFITHS, ——, of Kefnamwycllh, v. 452.
GRIMM, Baron, Candide, i. 342;